Thu.Feb 18, 2021

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How Virtual Event Platforms Can Help Measure Event Success


2020 helped to accelerate the rapid development of enhanced virtual event technology, and adoption rates have never been higher. Despite this progress, many still aren’t taking full advantage of what may be event tech’s greatest asset — hard data, or the information behind informed decision making. There are few better tools to measure event success.

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Hybrid Events: What You Need to Know to Organize one


Hybrid events aren’t a new concept; however, these events have existed for a while now and have come to be known worldwide recently during the ongoing pandemic. Most companies didn’t want to have virtual meetings or work from home. Still, we noticed that a significant number of people began to like virtual meetings and virtual events mainly because it gave them the flexibility of location.

Speakers 156

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How Events Can Combat Lockdown Fatigue

Eventbrite UK

After experiencing cancelled events, lockdown restrictions, and uncertainty, it’s natural to feel a sense of lockdown fatigue. Not to be confused with an actual COVID-19 symptom, lockdown fatigue is the general exhaustion that comes from dealing with a global pandemic and everything that involves — whether it’s working from home, reduced social interaction, or total […].

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Live events – why consistent measurement matters

Event Industry News

Following this week’s launch of the EMMC, its founder Dax Callner, Strategy Director at Smyle, highlights how an industry-wide consensus on what to measure will raise the credibility of event impact. Over the last decade marketing officers have increasingly demanded better evaluation of the effectiveness of the live events they hosted. This is because events tend to be expensive compared to other elements of the marketing mix, and the value derived from them harder to quantify.

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Unlock the Secrets of Event Marketing Masters

The greats learn from the greats. Set yourself and your team up for success with tried and tested strategies and insights from event marketing geniuses at Vanta, Partnership Leaders, Quantum Metric, Rocketlane, and Explori.

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Danielle and Andreas’ Classy Wedding at the Symes


Danielle and Andreas’ elegant wedding blended modern elements with rustic details to create a celebration unlike any other. The couple looked to the brilliant minds at Blush & Bowties to bring their wedding vision to life and the results are truly stunning. The team made the couple’s big day feel like a classy and intimate party at The Symes.

Venues 117

More Trending

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How to Launch Your First Virtual Summit


Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of companies and brands that transitioned from physical to online events? Do you feel you should be doing the same, yet aren’t sure where to start? You’re reading the right article, then!

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First Sight Media to carry content for Event Tech Live USA & Canada

Event Industry News

Video streaming and production company First Sight Media will manage three studios behind the first edition of Event Tech Live USA & Canada on 8 – 9 June 2021. With president and CEO at INVNT, Scott Callather, Mayank Mohta, co-founder of Cloud Data Summit, and Scott Wilcox, chief innovation officer and partner at SXSW, among the names already confirmed for the show, content is still captain as ETL steps across the pond for the first time.

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Your 2021 Guide to Successful Event Promotion

Python Events

Want to be a savvy promoter in today’s digital age? Learning how to run an event? Find out all you need to know about event promotion with Seatedly’s up to date guide. Forget 2020. It’s done. 2021 is here. It might seem as bleak as the last, but it could be a year of hope. That glimmer of light – the re-emergence of the events industry – is well on the horizon.

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Leading market engagement platform, Grip, raises $13 Million

Event Industry News

Today, leading market engagement platform for virtual and in-person events, Grip , has announced $13 million (USD) in series A funding, taking its total amount raised to $14.5 million. . The round, led by London-based growth equity fund Kennet Partners, will further enable Grip to provide industry-leading experiences both in-person and virtually. Founded in 2016, Grip has transformed the way professionals network at industry events, working with the majority of the world’s largest event organis

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How to Get Speakers, Exhibitors, and Attendees to Promote Your Event With Video

In this best practices guide, you’ll learn how to tap into the cost-efficiencies of advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing with video. Examples include speakers providing a preview of their upcoming sessions, exhibitors creating “please stop by” invitations and attendees creating “looking forward to seeing you” introduction videos. Learn about best practices and programs created by leading companies and associations including ASIS, AUVSI, SuperZoo, National Restaurant Association, World of Concret

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BBC Radio London interview with Mike Piddock (transcript)


The following is a transcript of the 18 February 2021 interview by Robert Elms featuring Mike Piddock about the future of the events industry.

2021 85
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How to Use Audience Engagement Software with Eventtia


The age-old question of how to engage an audience is certainly nothing new, but with the arrival of virtual events, it’s fair to say that the topic of audience engagement has taken on an entirely new meaning.

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Prospect Research | Find New Leads For Your Nonprofit


As a modern fundraiser, you already know that donor data is a cornerstone of effective nonprofit fundraising. It allows organizations to discover gift opportunities, improve solicitations, and continue refining their strategies over time. The more you know about your donors, the better you can engage with them and optimize your fundraising strategy to meet their needs.

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Bizzabo Launches Global Partner Program


This new program empowers partners to utilize Bizzabo's Event Success Platform and expertise to attract, retain and grow their customers and drive revenue. Today the Bizzabo Partner Program is officially live! This new endeavor will enable agencies, systems integrators, software resellers, and other B2B technology and service providers to grow and expand their revenue by offering Bizzabo’s proprietary event technology and industry expertise to prospects and clients.

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B2B Events in 2023 - What You Need to Know

Get ahead of the curve and stay informed with Zuddl's industry report on the future of B2B events in 2023. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and insights from leading experts in the field. Make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

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How to Avoid Online Event Fatigue


Connected for work. Connected for communication. Connected for entertainment. Connected for events. That’s how the world looked in 2020, and that’s probably it will look in 2021.

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Virtual Events: 5 “Must Ask” Survey Questions

Do Good Events

Guest Blog by BRIAN NUMAINVILLE of Numinsights, LLC. Webinars and other forms of “virtual” events existed before the pandemic, but this past year clearly brought virtual events, virtual conferences, and virtual meetings to the forefront. The days of the “one-way webinar” forever changed in 2020 with more focus on video, interactive sessions, breakouts, and other sessions that connected each person attending in fresh ways.

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Need marketing oxygen? Download the new media kit 2021 now!


The corona storm will soon be over. And what is more important than ever in rebuilding the event industry? Ensure that you are ‘found’ and communicate with your target audience.

2021 52
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Shambala Festival workers join forces with food charity to feed the south west’s most vulnerable

Event Industry News

Food charity FareShare South West have smashed their target of delivering food for 1million meals in just three months to the region’s most vulnerable as part of their winter operation FoodStock 2020, with help from Kambe Event’s festival team. Having successfully achieved their target ahead of time, the decision was made by FareShare South West to extend the FoodStock 2020 operation until the end of March, with continued help from the Kambe Events team and with a brand-new target of food for 2.

2020 52
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Download Now: 2022 Virtual + Hybrid Event Platform RFP Template - Enterprise Edition

Download 200+ new RFP questions for hybrid and virtual event technology success. After 10,000 downloads, the SpotMe Virtual + Hybrid Event Platform RFP Template is the ultimate procurement tool for event technology. This template is ideal for companies looking for a vendor to fulfill their specific virtual + hybrid event platform needs and requirements!

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Colosseum Rome Gets New Floor and will Organize Events Again


The Colosseum, the world-famous ancient amphitheater in Rome, is getting a new arena floor and will be organizing events again. This has been announced by the Italian Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini.

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Who's News for February 17, 2021

Special Events

Special events business news

2021 105
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How to Simplify the Work of Your Planning Team


We all know events are hard to plan. But what if this “by-default” thinking is mistaken? And what if we could move from the complexity of planning logistics to a more simplified way of managing events? Is this even possible?

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The post IMPORTANT NOTICE appeared first on Caterease.

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The Ultimate Guide to Hosting Hybrid Events For Your Association

For associations, the hybrid model is the future of the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) industry. Hybrid events provide increased reach and scalability, improved engagement with association members, and insights from real-time analytics, making them an absolute necessity. This ready-to-use playbook presents a framework for event organizers embarking on the hybrid events journey.

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18 Stunning Experiential Design Ideas for Your Event


Attendees crave novelty. Our brains are wired to pay attention to new information or forms of expression. If you're using the same old settings and designs for your event, chances are your guests will stop paying any attention.

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How to Produce an Online Event that Looks Professional


What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about online events? Let us guess: You probably envision a few talking heads displayed on a screen, right? Well, that’s true if you’re running or attending a Zoom-like online event.

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Organizers divided on whether Tokyo Olympics can take place: "Elephant in the room"


The organizers of the Tokyo Olympics stressed on Friday that the postponed Olympics will indeed take place next summer, the day after the Japanese government declared a state of emergency in and around the Japanese capital

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If everyone is immune, will the roaring twenties begin?


Riotous or at least with the brakes on: that there will be partying, shopping and traveling when we are all vaccinated. But what after that momentary euphoria? What will our life look like in the coming years?

Travel 52
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Download 7 Exceptional Event Email Templates for Driving Attendee Engagement

Download "7 Exceptional Event Email Templates for Driving Attendee Engagement" eBook and write winning event emails right away! Relying on decades of social science research and cutting edge behavioral data, SpotMe shows you their science-based methods for creating wildly successful event-marketing email campaigns for almost any situation. SpotMe is the event management platform for B2B marketers.

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23 Beautiful Locations to Impress Your Guests


Let's admit it: 2020 didn't match up to our expectations, to say the least. Instead of running awesome events and designing interaction platforms for our attendees, we ended up working from home, isolated from the rest of the world.

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How to Run an Online VIP Event


Online events are designed for a worldwide audience. You can use them as part of your digital strategy to attract more leads, increase brand awareness, and sell your products.

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17 Event Ideas that Will Surprise Your Attendees


Is your event exciting enough for your attendees, or are you just copying and pasting your previous conferences, trade shows, or workshops? What’s the craziest idea you ever had when planning an event and weren’t afraid to make a reality?