Sat.Feb 22, 2020 - Fri.Feb 28, 2020

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Teach Your Sponsors Well

Velvet Chainsaw

If you, as a conference organizer or meeting owner, think selling sponsorships at your event is just about those four to five days when thousands gather face-to-face, think again. You are worth so much more than that. It’s time to stop devaluing your events, said Kim Skildum-Reid, owner of Power Sponsorship , a firm that specializes in advising corporations and sponsor seekers about effective sponsorship, at a recent workshop.

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5 Tips to reduce and recycle waste at your event


Events tend to have a positive impact on the local economy and community. Smaller businesses might generate large proportions of their annual income […]. The post 5 Tips to reduce and recycle waste at your event appeared first on

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6 Revenue-Boosting Ideas for Your Next Fundraising Event


Providing an experience for donors and funding for nonprofits, fundraising events have benefits for all. However, just because they’re tried-and-true, that doesn’t mean the event fundraising process can’t be improved. Nonprofits are always looking for ways to increase incoming donations, whether that’s by improving event attendance or bringing in more gifts through each event.

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5 Tips For Managing College Student Volunteers


Students make up a large portion of the volunteer workforce, making them a vital resource to college events, nonprofits, and festivals. Retaining student volunteers year over year as they graduate is a top priority for the organizations that rely on them. A critical factor in retaining any workforce is good management; that's why we have put together five tips for managing college student volunteers. 1 – Show Gratitude.

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Unlock the Secrets of Event Marketing Masters

The greats learn from the greats. Set yourself and your team up for success with tried and tested strategies and insights from event marketing geniuses at Vanta, Partnership Leaders, Quantum Metric, Rocketlane, and Explori.

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How to Market Company Events and Conferences


Many businesses thrive when it comes to events and conferences, whether it be attending them or hosting one themselves. For the latter, however, you need to market your event or conference and then also have high attendee engagement. Are you wondering how to get people through the door for your next conference? Find out by reading the following guide.

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Event Cancellations From Coronavirus Rekindle Interest in Online Events


Virtual events have become more popular in recent years due to improving tech as well as their cost-effectiveness and environmental merit. Now, with the coronavirus prompting event cancellations and travel bans worldwide, virtual events have never been more timely. Last year, the trend towards event sustainability put the events industry under scrutiny, with many […].

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6 Things a Good Event Moderator Should Always Do

Eventbrite UK

So you’ve been asked to be an event moderator. First time? You’re probably wondering what you’ve agreed to. In short, you’re the master of ceremonies. It’s your job to introduce speakers, keep the conversation flowing in a group discussion, and make sure the audience gets the most out of the event. If you want your […].

Speakers 141
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15 Toronto Event Venues Perfect for Weddings For up to 150 Guests


So you’ve sat down with your partner and widdled down your numbers to that perfect sweet spot – somewhere between mini and mega. Perfect! Now comes the fun part: scoping out all of Toronto’s medium sized wedding venues that are absolutely perfect for your big day! Seating up to a maximum of 150 people, these venues are perfect for hosting that elusive not-too-big, not-too-small, but just-right type of wedding.

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Your Guide to Staying On Top of the Coronavirus Outbreak


All eyes are on the spreading COVID-19, or new coronvirus, and planners have an especially important task in managing the challenges that arise from the global health crisis. From protecting attendees with best practices—like a handshake-free conference—to calling the shots on holding or cancelling events (yes, even the Olympic Games), planners are proactively addressing the outbreak.

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How to Get Speakers, Exhibitors, and Attendees to Promote Your Event With Video

In this best practices guide, you’ll learn how to tap into the cost-efficiencies of advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing with video. Examples include speakers providing a preview of their upcoming sessions, exhibitors creating “please stop by” invitations and attendees creating “looking forward to seeing you” introduction videos. Learn about best practices and programs created by leading companies and associations including ASIS, AUVSI, SuperZoo, National Restaurant Association, World of Concret

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Designing Events With Empathy: How & Why

Endless Events

Why is it important to design events with empathy? Actually, let’s not start there. Why is empathy important in general? And why should we, as event profs, pay any mind to it? Well, simply put, because we’re humans. Because we’re putting together experiences for people, and we want them to have an amazing experience. And this seems like something automatic, something we don’t have to think about because we just make it happen by default.

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7 Ways to Get Into the Heads of Your Event Attendees

Eventbrite UK

Not many event creators think about the entire buyer’s journey, but knowing what your attendees feel and do throughout is essential to turning potential fans into loyal ones. The post 7 Ways to Get Into the Heads of Your Event Attendees appeared first on Eventbrite UK.

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Tech Innovations For Visitor Registration and Checking-in

Event Industry News

It is general practice currently for visitors to make their way to the registration desks at trade shows, exhibitions or corporate events where they identify themselves with a name, number, bar-code or 2D code from which their details are located on the registration system. They are then issued with an ID Card and Lanyard with a barcode that is scanned by event staff as they proceed into the event.

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How to Market Company Events and Conferences


Many businesses thrive when it comes to events and conferences, whether it be attending them or hosting one themselves. For the latter, however, you need to market your event or conference and then also have high attendee engagement. Are you wondering how to get people through the door for your next conference? Find out by reading the following guide.

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Download Now: 2022 Virtual + Hybrid Event Platform RFP Template - Enterprise Edition

Download 200+ new RFP questions for hybrid and virtual event technology success. After 10,000 downloads, the SpotMe Virtual + Hybrid Event Platform RFP Template is the ultimate procurement tool for event technology. This template is ideal for companies looking for a vendor to fulfill their specific virtual + hybrid event platform needs and requirements!

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Here’s How You Win The Negotiation

Endless Events

?? The Best of the Best: Negotiating Prices: How to Win at Negotiating AV Prices for Events. Questions Questions Questions: The Best Questions to Ask Your AV Company For An Amazing Event. AV Labor: How A Long Event Day Can Turn Into An Expensive Bill. ? Believe it or not, we actually made an entire webinar all about how to negotiate AV prices. Check it out!

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Puerto Rico Pushes Through Recent Setbacks to Win Over Event Planners


The Puerto Rico Convention Center is shown here. Meetings and events sector leads are on the rise with new event efforts under way. Discover Puerto Rico Skift Take: Puerto Rico is positioning itself as a global events destination, despite January’s seismic activity. With a new marketing campaign and multiple initiatives aimed at attracting planners and attendees, the island’s efforts are starting to pay off. — Lauren Ward Read the Complete Story On Skift.

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Why Cost is NOT the Reason to Choose an Event App


Event apps are no longer an option for many events today. Tech-savvy delegates expect them. Sponsors, partners and exhibitors dive into the granular data they get from them. In fact, according to a recent research study from Eventsforce, a staggering 81% of planners cited driving attendee engagement as their number one reason for using event apps. When integrated seamlessly with your events, event apps can help you deliver a personalised experience at scale.

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20 Fun and Meaningful Wedding Favours Your Guests Will Actually Use


Gone are the days when your guests could expect to take home a bag of Jordan almonds from your wedding. Nowadays, wedding favours are another chance for you to let your personality shine in the form of a gift that your guests will actually enjoy! Here are some ideas to inspire you: 1. Shot Glasses : Engrave them with your wedding date or wedding hashtag and have guests use them at the reception. 2.

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Dominate Your Local Market With These 4 Reputation Management Strategies

Speaker: Adam Dorfman, Lindsay Harrison, and Erin O'Brien

Did you know that 4 out of 5 consumers use local search and 88% use smartphones for those searches? With that in mind, I think it's safe to say your online presence is the silver bullet of your business. Think about the revenue you could be missing by not prioritizing local search optimization. Fortunately, there are a handful of steps you can take right now that will immediately impact your business's pace in local search, and we're happy to share them.

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6 Best Ways To Save On An Event AV Contract

Endless Events

Imagine a world where you could spend an unlimited amount of money in whatever store you walked in or event you planned. Yes, that means purchasing $200 eyeglasses when you have 20:20 vision or spending the extra $50 just to have your logo printed on the face of each M&M. Unfortunately, many of us are not quite there yet. Most budgets limit plans resulting in a compromise of plans.

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The Sustainable Future of Events [Free Report]


A new generation of event-goers is hungry for events that are meaningful, memorable, and shareable. They want events to deliver the collaboration and face-to-face connection they can’t get online, and they want it in a personalized package. The answer? Download this report to discover the trends shaping event experiences in 2020. A number of […].

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Virtual Summit Startup offers free help to Corona-Affected Conferences

Event Industry News

Edinburgh-based virtual summit platform HeySummit has announced that it’s offering free accounts for in-person conferences, summits, and events that are being affected by the coronavirus outbreak. “We’ve been getting queries from event organisers all around the world who are worried that they’ll have to cancel their physical conference because of concerns about Corona,” CEO Robert Gelb has said, “It’s a terrible situation where something that’s taken months or years of preparation can suddenly b

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Creating a High-Performance Volunteer Team

Event Leadership Institute

Smarticle. Volunteers can make or break your event. For non-profit organizations, they are critical to keeping labor costs low, amplifying the productivity of paid staff, accomplishing event objectives, and representing the brand. A well-managed volunteer program helps these unpaid do-gooders perform at the highest level and come back year after year.

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B2B Events in 2023 - What You Need to Know

Get ahead of the curve and stay informed with Zuddl's industry report on the future of B2B events in 2023. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and insights from leading experts in the field. Make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

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How to Implement Attendee Messaging at Your Events

EventBank Insights

Attendee-to-Attendee Chat is one of the fastest growing trends at events, particularly larger events where it’s just not possible to meet every person there. Attendee Chat is a major breakthrough, allowing everyone to chat with everyone else, but as one might imagine, this causes problems of their own. It’s a Pandora’s box of problems that need to be solved before you push your messaging service live.

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Practical Tips for Making Your Events More Diverse and Inclusive

Eventbrite UK

Our Event Trends Report found 55% of event planners in the UK and Ireland identified diversity as a key area of focus for 2020. Here are the steps you can take to ensure everyone feels welcome at your next event. Be the change you want to see Creators have their sights set on inclusivity, and […]. The post Practical Tips for Making Your Events More Diverse and Inclusive appeared first on Eventbrite UK.

2020 97
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International AGF Awards 2020 announce shortlist of Worlds Greenest Festivals

Event Industry News

Not for Profit organisation A Greener Festival have announced the shortlists for the 2nd International AGF Awards which shines a light on the leading festivals striving to reduce waste and emissions, and enhance equality and ecosystems. Awards are given across 10 important sustainability categories, including the top accolade of the International Greener Festival Award 2020.

2020 101
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Top 99 keynote speakers every event planner must know about

Hubilo Blog

Why have a keynote speaker at your event? The sole idea of organizing any business event or a conference is to engage with your audience and build a strong brand by providing value by the means of sharing knowledge, insights or present compelling stories. This where you need keynote speakers at your event or conference. It is imperative to have the best in the business to share this knowledge, insights or experiences that your audience would care about and captivate their attention and interest.

Speakers 101
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5 Things Businesses Need to Know to Thrive in a Post-COVID World

People are itching to get back into the world. 54% of consumers say they plan to dine out at a restaurant at least once a week this year. As COVID-19 restrictions ease, the competition for their business is stronger than ever. Download this eBook today to learn how your restaurant can be prepared!

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3 Step Response for Events Dealing With Unexpected Circumstances (Coronavirus)


Awareness: Be mindful of the current and evolving crisis. Preparation: Review contracts, insurance, and communications. Action: Have a plan to ensure the safety of attendees, staff, and the success of the event. On Monday, the virus known as COVID-19 took the world spotlight again with reports of increased infection in major world economies including Italy and South Korea.

Insurance 101
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Online Events Grow in Wake of Coronavirus

PCMA Convene

Instead of scrapping their events amid COVID-19 concerns, more organizations are moving their face-to-face programs online. The multi-hub format, with multiple connected venues like this meeting with 18 hubs in Spain, combines the benefits of both. As efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus by restricting travel ripple across the globe, a growing number of event organizers are opting to move meetings online as an alternative to canceling them.

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5 Useful Tools For Onsite Communication During Events


While you and your teammates are busy setting up, testing equipment and greeting vendors for your event, frequent and open communication is critical. During the event itself, communication only becomes more important. There are a bunch of apps out there designed to help you talk with your team while onsite (or between different sites). So many, in fact, that it's becoming difficult just to research them all!

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