Our most popular articles of 2023: Expo Pass fan favs!

We know what you’re thinking, “Has it been a year already?” But it’s true! 2023 has come to an end, and that means taking time to reflect on the year’s wins, challenges, highlights, and personal victories. 

For us at Expo Pass, it means looking back at the top event planning articles in 2023. And WOW, did our planners read a lot this year! Not only did you read a lot, you read widely, too. The top 6 articles cover diverse topics from ChatGPT to sustainability and on-site badge printing. 

We’re grateful for the time you’ve taken and are proud of how we’ve been able to help you along your event planning journey. As a final HOORAH, we’ve compiled a short review of the Top 6 articles to help you review your wins and plan for 2024. 

Grab your champagne and take a trip with us down memory lane! 

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Attend these stellar conferences in 2024.

What better way to start the year than filling out your calendar with event planning conferences for 2024? These conferences range in size, location, and focus, but each is an excellent opportunity to gain new insights, make new friends, and hone your skills. 

These are the event planning conferences you won’t want to miss in 2024! 

EventTech Live: In a world of rapidly changing technology, this conference puts you at the forefront of innovation. It features the only portfolio 100% dedicated to event planning technology, recent breakthroughs, and the best ways to leverage them. 

IMEX America: It’s the largest international conference and trade show in the United States, uniting planners from France to the UK and beyond. There’s a reason it’s described as a year’s worth of business under one roof. Across four days in Las Vegas, you’ll participate in 150+ sessions with topics including Event Marketing, Business Practices, and Technology. 

International CONFEX: Start your year with an exciting international conference in Europe’s most diverse city—London! This conference is a great way to broaden your event planning horizons. It boasts 60+ speakers, 180+ exhibitors, and 100 free-to-attend sessions.

Read the full article for more information about the above events, including WEC at MPI and the Event Planner EXPO. Registrations are open, so hop on it to secure your place at these prestigious and exciting conferences. 

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Embrace AI and the ways it can transform your planning.

A game-changing technology emerged this year to transform event planning as we know it. That technology is generative AI in the form of ChatGPT and other star programs that have become the darling of every major industry. 

Adopting ChatGPT in your 2024 event planning strategies will be one of the most impactful decisions you’ll make this year. For an in-depth exploration, we present ChatGPT: what it is and how it can transform your events. 

ChatGPT is a chatbot that planners can use as their go-to assistant. It can simplify logistical tasks like planning organization, scheduling, budget assessment, and task delegation. 

This software can enhance personalization by analyzing attendee data to develop individualized suggestions. With improved data analysis, you can improve attendance rates, engagement, and guest return by providing a more satisfying experience for attendees. 

While ChatGPT is a phenomenal new tool, we emphasized the importance of a human touch. Remember, if it’s a logistical, straightforward task using hard data, odds are ChatGPT will be brilliant at it. However, using this tool to create “first draft” versions that you and your team can review and tweak is best. Get the hang of it, and your potential is limitless! 

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Change the game with on-site badge printing.

On-site badge printing is a fast and efficient method for improving your registration process. Our article Why on-site badge printing is a game-changer for event organizers explored 5 reasons why event planners should adopt this helpful technology. On-site badge printing simplifies the check-in process for attendees, reducing lines and wait times. The result is happier attendees and lowered stress for event staff, a win-win for everyone!

Create a stronger impression with fashionable badges featuring a logo, name, and signature colors that identify your brand—or the brands of attendees. With improved customization, you can help attendees create a stronger impression among each other, too.

Badge printing provides additional benefits to your company, including waste reduction and saved money. You’ll especially love the reliability of on-site badge printing! Typos, outdated information, and incorrect badge quantity can be avoided with this efficient technology. 

You’re only the click of a button away from improving the event experience for attendees, staff, and everyone on your team. Our recent Expo Pass x Guidebook partnership combined our badge-printing tech with their event planning app to offer the most intuitive registration and event experience possible. 

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Improve sustainability for a better world.

Green is the new black! 2023 saw massive growth in sustainable practices. Our industry has a history of non-sustainable practices, so we delivered several articles and sustainability webinars to show planners how to organize events that attendees and the environment will love! 

The top article in this category was Sustainability in action: Best practices for event planners. We broke down several areas where organizers can make an impact by adopting new, sustainable event-planning practices. 

Waste reduction: A color-coded bin system makes it easy for attendees and staff to recycle or compost instead of throwing everything away. Investing in eco-friendly supplies like cups, plates, utensils, etc., further reduces unnecessary waste. Go paperless where you can (such as digital registrations) and reduce waste by being extra careful in your attendee estimation, thereby reducing the required resources. 

Energy consumption: Start on the right foot by choosing an energy-efficient venue, such as a LEED-certified building. Implement low-consumption heating, low-energy LED lights, and HVAC equipment to reduce energy consumption. 

Water usage: Water waste is a significant area where event planners can improve. Choose a venue with water-efficient measures in place to simplify your sustainability efforts. Opt for water-efficient portable bathroom providers and brief staff on water usage principles to reduce unnecessary waste. 

In our article, we provided a few success stories to inspire your sustainability efforts, including Oktoberfest and the 2012 London Olympics! Explore the full article for more tips and tricks for planning eco-friendly events.

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Prepare for unexpected challenges during events.

If we’ve learned anything this year, it’s essential to have a Plan B. No matter how well you plan; there are always unexpected challenges. The better you prepare, the easier you’ll be able to tackle these challenges and the less stressful they’ll be. 

How to handle unexpected challenges during your event provides insights into the best strategies for contingency planning. 

As we point out in the article, you aren’t putting together one plan for your event; you should put together several. There’s your primary plan, the ideal situation where everything goes right. Then, there are several contingency plans in case issues arise in the various areas of your event. These include catering, speakers, power, technology, and travel. 

Build a resilient team through self-talk workshops, the art of reframing a situation in a solution-oriented way, and distributing pressure among your team equally. Communication is a central pillar of resilience. 

If things go wrong, be honest. That way, your team can help you find a solution, and you’ll prevent any issues from festering. You’ll also present yourself as having integrity, improving your reputation among your team, sponsors, and partners. 

Technology comes in handy during a crisis. Programs like Slack make communication quick between various departments. Expo Pass has created digital tools to support virtual experiences and provides a dedicated team to help when things go wrong. 

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Win big with event sponsorship.

Event planners are only as successful as their teams. This is one reason why event sponsorships are vital to your success in 2024. Our guide to event sponsorship and why it’s a win-win for both parties gives you a blueprint for successful partnerships. 

Sponsors come in all shapes and sizes! Financial sponsors add to your budget, in-kind sponsors provide goods and services to the event, and media sponsors give your event the star quality it needs. 

What matters most is choosing the right sponsor for you, and this depends on your goals, needs, and value system. Find a sponsor who aligns with these, and you’re halfway to a mutually beneficial relationship! 

Once you’ve got your eye on someone, you’ll have to create an irresistible proposal. The key to this is to remember that they also have goals and speak to those. If you show them the money, there’s a good chance they’ll want to hop on board.

Keep communication clear and open as the event develops. Be honest about any challenges that may affect them, but always come with a solution in mind. Nurturing these relationships is no different than others—it’s all about communication! 

Read the full article for a detailed guide on creating sponsorship proposals and nurturing these relationships after the event. Make 2024 a year of new and lasting relationships by partnering with the right sponsors who will elevate your events and share in your success!

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New horizons, new events, New Year 2024!

What a year it’s been! 2023 delivered successes, new relationships, old friends, and wild challenges that we’re laughing about now. As you review your year, peek at the Top 6 most-read articles on Expo Pass for a reminder of fundamental principles, inspiration, and strategies to transform your 2024. 

ChatGPT, sustainability, on-site badge printing and contingency plans; this has been a packed year. We’re grateful we could be a part of your event planning journeys, and we look forward to all the fun of 2024. But before the work begins, take time to rest, reflect, and enjoy the champagne. 

Before you know it, new events, new articles, and a New Year will begin! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

January 3, 2024

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January 3, 2024

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