What an event planner actually wants for the holidays!

Take it from us; shopping for the holidays is best done early! You’ll avoid the lines and the jacked-up prices, to say nothing of the stress. Planning the ideal present is no different than planning a trade show—the sooner you start, the better! 

Event planning never stops, and the planner in your life may not have time to assemble their wish list. That’s where we come in! From top-of-the-line tech to personalized mugs, we’ve designed a holiday wish list with everything an event planner wants and needs. 

Explore our 2023 event planner gift guide below. It’s organized into three sections based on gift type: comfort and style, technology, and fun-spiring trinkets! 

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Comfort and style.

Event planning leaves little time to consider our comfortwe’ve got more important things to worry about (like, where the heck is our catering truck?). Show the planner in your life that you care with gifts that maximize comfort without sacrificing style. 

Allbirds shoes 

Any planner would be grateful for shoes known as “the most comfortable shoes ever made.” A pair of Allbirds sneakers will reduce the sore feet we’re all used to from running around putting out proverbial (and sometimes actual) fires. 

They’re made with merino wool, eucalyptus fibers, and recycled materials, replacing the synthetic materials traditionally used in production. Not only are they the most comfortable, they are eco-friendly, too! Snag a pair and improve the event experience for your favorite planner during these seasonal holidays! 

Outfit management 

As the saying goes: look good, feel good. Empower your favorite organizer with a clothes bag or portable steamer. Clothes bags keep the chicest outfits looking neat and clean during travel, unfolding to hang in a closet. It’ll ensure they look and feel their best these holidays!

Sometimes, wrinkles can’t be helped. Gift event planners a portable steamer they can take with them, providing a fresh look no matter how rough and wrinkle-inducing the travel was. See our top recommendations. 

MagicPro Portable Garment Steamer — This bad boy heats up in 25 seconds and can decrease and sanitize even your most sensitive fabrics. It features built-in safety guards and has been certified by Electrical Testing Laboratories. 

2-in-1 SALAV Clothes Steamer and Iron — Some wrinkles need more than steam. That’s where a 2-in-1 iron and steamer comes in handy! It can be used on all fabrics, including silk, lace, or your most dramatic sequence piece.

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Technical toys.

Organizers thrive on new technologies. Elevate their event planning with the gift of a techy tool. These range in price from moderate to quite expensive, but with technological developments, there’s always a budget-friendly alternative available. 

Portable wi-fi extender.

It’s the nightmare of the modern age—spotty Wi-Fi. Prevent lost connections on the road or (gasp!) during an event with a portable Wi-Fi extender. These nifty little gadgets come in various shapes and sizes, but most are small enough to fit in a carry-on or pocket. 

GRT Wi-Fi Extender — This updated version of a trusted device provides 360 degrees of signal extension with a range of 1,292 square feet. You can easily set it up outside or indoors, and the signal remains stable throughout structures. 

NETGEAR N300 — This pocket-sized device can boost coverage across 1,500 square feet, providing reliable Wi-Fi on the go. Plug into an outlet and connect to a laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc. WEP and WAP/WAP2 protocols protect sensitive work for secure browsing. 

Mini LED projector 

Event planners are visionaries. Help them share their vision with portable projectors! These lightweight devices boost presentations without cluttering up conference tables or the need to mess with confusing, knotted cables. 

Magnasonic LED Pocket Pico Mini Projector — Imagine a 60-inch, high-resolution image in the palm of your hand! This mini projector includes a tripod and a simple plug-and-play setup for effortless usage. Planning events during the seasonal holidays will never be the same!

ViewSonic M1 Portable Projector — Take things to the next level with this lightweight projector featuring Harman Kardon speakers. Store your presentation on the device or connect to a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Six hours of battery life and a 100-inch image will turn your presentations into an event. 

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A personalized mug, floral arrangements, or a handmade picture frame are irresistible gifts. They add charming color to desktops and offer much-needed inspiration. Get creative with these gift ideas that will brighten their holidays! 

Cafe collectibles 

Event planning is better with coffee or tea—or whatever tastes good and gives you energy! But we need something to keep it in, and that’s where a reusable coffee cup comes in handy. Gift an insulated thermos to keep their drink warm all event long. These are especially ideal for eco-friendly planners looking to reduce waste. 

Just as fun are personalized or humorous coffee mugs! Gift a custom mug with a personal note or treasured photo across its cozy-hot surface. These personal details make the gift more meaningful, reminding the receiver that you’ve got their back. 

Portable florals 

Planners spend a lot of time in cars and hotel rooms. Help them liven up these spaces with a portable vase! Not only will they feel more at home wherever they are, but they’ll also be better equipped to take home any flowers once the event ends. 

Portable car vase — Take florals on the go with a sturdy car vase that displays their favorite flower nearby. It’ll provide a soothing boost of inspiration during those stressful last-minute trips to pick up missing batteries or whatever else is needed. 

Portable vase — This lightweight, easy-to-store vase unfolds when filled with water, making it travel-compatible. They come in many bright, inspiring patterns that’ll boost a planner’s mood wherever they stay. Options are available with iconic artwork and seasonal patterns. 

Image of Gifts, gifts, gifts.

Gifts, gifts, gifts! 

‘Tis the season for giving! When seeking the perfect gift for an event planner, any of the above options will provide joy, comfort, and empowering solutions. But these aren’t the only presents likely to make an impact. See our honorable mentions below for more plan-tastic gift ideas!

Honorable mentions: 

December 6, 2023

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December 6, 2023

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