5 Quick Tips for Rebranding an Event

So, you’ve assessed the pros and cons of rebranding your event and have decided to take the plunge – that’s great! A total event rebrand can offer unlimited possibilities to reaching new audiences, refocusing your content, and ultimately making more money.

But where do you start?

While the event rebrand process may feel overwhelming, these how-to tips can help you get started on the right foot.

1. Redesign Your Logo

Typically when a company decides to rebrand, the first thing to change is the logo – and there’s good reason why! Your logo is the first thing most people associate with your brand. Recreating your logo will set the tone for what’s to come and when done early, gives your audience time to acclimate to the changes abound.

2. Decide What Your New Message Is

If you’re implementing a rebrand strategy, you’ve probably already gone through the process of asking for feedback from your audience, considering pros and cons, and getting an understanding of how a rebrand will change the course of your events. Now, it’s time to decide how your messaging and content will refocus! Take all of the feedback from your previous research and use it to design a new content strategy and event agenda flow.

3. Get Creative with Marketing

Keep your audience aware of any changes coming; no one likes to be blindsided. This can be achieved in a fun and engaging way that will keep your target demographic excited for the hard work your putting forth to rebrand. As you gear up for your rebranded event launch, host social media contests, offer incentives for early registrants, and create trivia quizzes that give your audience a sense of what they can expect when they attend your new event.

4. Ask for Input

While you’ve got a captive audience through social media or your event apps, use those platforms to your advantage! For example, have your audience vote on certain elements of your rebrand – logo designs, color schemes, and new content. Not only will you get clarity on what your audience truly wants, but your audience will love seeing their feedback put to use and be more excited to attend your event knowing they had a say.

5. New (Relevant) Swag

Swag is one of those things that can be a bit tricky to feel out. Do people really need a new mouse pad? What about another stress ball? These items can get pricey and will likely be left behind once the event is adjourned. Understanding who your audience is and what they enjoy will help you provide new and exciting swag items that people will want. Does your event focus on the food industry? Have a bakery craft custom cookies with your new logo! Catering to a tech crowd? Look for the latest and greatest in tech items – with your new logo of course.

Navigating your way through a rebrand is a tall order, but with a little organization and research, a completely achievable task. Creating excitement surrounding your event rebrand is key in reaching the right audience and giving them the content they’re seeking – your audience will appreciate it, and you’ll love seeing the end result!

October 5, 2018

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October 5, 2018

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