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What Is The Part-Time Diploma Experience Like?

Last updated June 5th, 2023

Having trouble finding a course that fits your busy schedule? Our part-time Diploma course is here to save the day!

Our course is taught by expert event leaders who are passionate about sharing their industry knowledge with aspiring event professionals like you.

We know you’ve got a lot going on, so we’ve made it easy for you by offering two evenings a week in a virtual classroom.

You’ll be in the virtual classroom for two evenings a week; either Tuesday and Thursday evenings or Monday and Wednesday evenings.

Start the CIM Accredited Part-Time Diploma Course now!

Throughout the course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about planning, producing, and implementing an event. We cover all the core event modules and practical skills, giving you a well-rounded understanding of event management.

And to make things even more exciting, you’ll have a project brief where you’ll work on a real-life client-based scenario, followed by a live pitch to a real client. This will give you a taste of the high-pressure environment of event management while also building your confidence and skills.

At the end of the course, you’ll have one open textbook online exam to ensure that you’ve retained all the essential information. We know that our course can be challenging, but it’s also extremely rewarding. Our focus is on helping you become a capable, creative, and confident event professional.

So, if you’re ready to launch your career in event management, our Diploma part-time course is the perfect choice for you. With an immersive blend of different learning formats, expert instruction, and an easy schedule to work around your busy life, you’ll have all the essential tools for success in this exciting field.

Just ask Lisa – she did our Diploma and is now Event Office for the Police Federation of England and Wales!

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