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  • Event Promotion Tips

10 Freshers tips from the Skiddle team

  • By Ryan Moss

  • 24 Aug 2023
  • 5 min read

There’s a wealth of experience in the Skiddle team. Whether it’s event promotion, marketing, copywriting or account management, all of our staff have expertise in several areas. 

With this in mind, we thought we’d consult the Skiddle hivemind for Freshers event tips. 

If you’re putting on an event for the first time, these insights are for you. We’ll cover promotion, marketing, safeguarding and more.

Ensure your event descriptions are spot-on

“Write a decent event description and don’t just copy and paste the description of the events you put on last year,” says Holly, our Content Team Leader. High-quality event descriptions can bring context to the event you’re putting on. It’s a chance for people to learn about the type of music you’ll be promoting while also helping your event to rank higher in search engines.

Nail your branding and imagery

Our B2B Marketing Manager, Dale, says: “Imagery and branding is a big one. Spend time/money, if you’ve got it, on ensuring your event stands out from the rest”. Unique designs can help you catch the eye of potential attendees, especially in a crowded market. Sometimes, a well-designed event flyer or social post can be the catalyst for increased interest in an event. 

Get out on the streets

Don’t rely 100% on online promo. Get out on the street with flyers and posters and chat to potential new customers, says Skiddle’s Head of Marketing, Jamie Scahill. If you’re not too fond of going out into the city centre just yet, stationing yourself outside the freshers fair could be a good start. You’ll find lots of fellow students who are looking for a great night out. 

Seek out collaborations with brands in your area

Rory, one of our Account Support team members, suggests collaborating on deals with local food spots. This can strengthen links in the area, but also entice students to attend your night, because who doesn’t want money off food when they go to a club night?

Photo: Harrison Haines / Pexels

Tell your attendees about local taxi firms

Meg’s one of our Account Managers and she recommends that promoters put out the numbers of local taxi firms on social media, as you “may have a lot of students who have moved to a new city [or] Uber may not be a thing”.

Find stewards that can help out in the club

Meg’s fellow Account Manager Dan suggests trying to find “People that aren’t security who can help people out if they’re too drunk or facing harassment”. This is especially important if you’re running an LGBTQ night, but applies to all nights. You don’t know who’s going to turn up to your club night beforehand, and some attendees may have had bad experiences with security in the past. We’re not saying don’t hire security, but having people trained to help can put people at ease.

Track how many people are coming into the venue

Holly suggests that you should track how many people are coming into the venue to prevent overcrowding. While experienced promoters will have done this plenty of times, it might be something you overlook as a new promoter. Our RapidScan feature can help you with this, click here to learn more.

Tell your attendees where to pick up wristbands

Stu, on our Account Support team, says: If you have a “Freshers wristband that gets you into multiple venues across the city, people don’t know where to pick up their wristband. So advertise where to pick up their wristband. Maybe have the pickup location on the ticket name but also in the description.”

Keep people safe

Dale advises that you should “consider the safety of your attendees; research into anti-spiking, introduce safe spaces and safe words and brief staff.” This is paramount, as everyone deserves to go out and not have to worry about being harmed. SaferDance and Stoptopps are two organisations doing great work in this area. 

Skiddle Twitter Link

Got a question you need an answer to? Give us a call on 03333010301 or ask us a question over on the Skiddle Promoter Twitter account by clicking or tapping on the button below. Alternatively, you can also find a list of our most frequently asked questions over at https://help.promotioncentre.co.uk/

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