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Trend Report 2023: Sustainability

Last updated February 1st, 2023

Trend Report 2023: Sustainability

With more events striving to reach the goal of becoming carbon neutral, and others still struggling to make the necessary steps forward, we are kicking off our 2023 Trend Report with a focus on one of the hottest topics in events in the modern day: Sustainability.

“Sustainability is currently on the event industry’s agenda; it’s a term we’ve all heard many times. BUT we need to move from sustainability being an optional consideration in our event planning to being mandatory. The sustainable practices we apply have a significant impact in many ways, so it’s important for us all to be considerate in our choices – from catering to production, transport to graphics. We should also include measuring the carbon footprint of our events (using carbon measurement calculators like isla’s TRACE) in our project planning process in order to calculate baseline data, and then to create a roadmap for reduction and improvement.


Currently it seems that clients, agencies and suppliers are all at different stages of their event sustainability journey – some are way ahead, and others are lagging behind. Business leaders need to invest in the resource, education and implementation of sustainable practices to accelerate the event industry into a more sustainable future, while event planners must be proactive and motivated to apply sustainability knowledge.”

Christianne Beck

Events Industry Sustainability Consultant & Lecturer at Worlds Better

Christianne has worked in various delivery roles across the events industry for over 18 years leading stand out strategic projects for global brands such as Shell, Virgin Atlantic and Nissan, while also having sustainability at heart. In early 2022, she decided to start her own business, Worlds Better, providing events and experiential industry business leaders with bespoke sustainability consultation; offering strategic advice, knowledge, and resource to make written policies become reality – with an overall goal to help the event industry achieve ambitious sustainability goals.

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