Ultimate Webinar Email Marketing Guide With Examples [+ Template]

October 11, 2022

Nupur Mittal


Email continues to be the highest ROI generating channels – a staggering $42 for every $1 spent

Email marketing Return on Investment

But, most emails are generic, they don’t resonate with the audience, don’t reach users at the right time, don’t offer value for the user’s time, and leads to low webinar registrations.

For example, if you send a webinar reminder right after user sign-ups or don’t send an email to let them add webinar to their calendar it will result in lower webinar attendance.

By analyzing your audience’s behavioral pattern and creating a sequence with the right interval you can overcome these obstacles. This article will discuss the best timings to send your promotional webinar and how to create a targeted email sequence to get the most out of your webinar email marketing efforts.

Table of contents

Webinar promotion email is the first and most important step of your webinar marketing funnel. When someone clicks on your email, it’s either a webinar attendee or it’s someone who just clicked through to get more information about your webinar.

If you can’t convince them to sign up for the webinar, you’ll never get them to convert.

Promotional mailers can be a great way of boosting registration rate. Inbox cluttering is a common problem so don’t just send out text emailers but include content to help them along.

Catchy Webinar Email Subject Lines

I Like It Love GIF by Bounce - Find & Share on GIPHY

Here is a list of some of the catchy subject lines for webinar emails you can use to hook your recipients:

  1. Mark your calendars📅—our September Summit is almost here
  2. Reminder! Our webinar is on tomorrow
  3. [You’re Invited]! Best Practices for [Insert topic name]
  4. You are registered for Mastercard Economics Institute – Travel 2022: Trends & Transition
  5. [Register Today] Get to Know [Product feature]
  6. Hey John, Get your early bird offer for the [Webinar name]
  7. There is still time to register for Stripe Sessions 2021
  8. Tomorrow: See this year’s top email design trends
  9. Starting in 1 hour: [Webinar title]
  10. Yay!🤩 We’re excited that you registered for the [Webinar name]

Best Day To Send A Webinar Invitation Email

Best day to send webinar invitation mailerSource : On24

Wednesdays are the best day to promote webinars, followed closely by Tuesdays and Thursdays.

When To Promote Your Webinars

6 Essential Elements In Your Webinar Invitation Email

Here’s a 6W checklist to help you create awesome webinar emails that are relevant, informative and ticks all the right boxes:

1. Target Audience – Who Should Attend This Webinar

You need to mention who this webinar is for to attract the right audience. Identifying your target audience will help you make your webinar email copy and design more targeted and relevant to them.

2. The Topic – What Will You Discuss

It’s one of the crucial things to add and must be prominently visible in your email. People attend sessions that they want to learn more about or that seem interesting.

3. Timings And Duration – When Will You Host The Event

Mention and highlight the webinar date, day, duration, and timings.

4. Webinar Platform – Where Will You Host The Session

With numerous webinar platform out in the market, it becomes critical to let attendees know which platform are you using. This would allow them to go over any system requirements/downloads pre webinar.

If you are using mobile event app, don’t forget to add app download linnks

5. Speaker/Guest – Who Will Be The Guest Speaker

If you’re hosting a webinar with guest speakers/speakers, give their details along with their images. It helps build credibility; if the recipient knows or admires the guest speaker, you’ll see more signups.

6. Recordings – Whether You’ll Offer A Recording Of The Session – Yes/No

If you offer the session recording, do mention that. It will help you get more registrations, as people might not sign up but want to because the times don’t suit them. Letting them know that you’ll offer the session if they register can be a good move to increase webinar registrations

5 Must Have Emails To Include In Your Webinar Email Sequence

This section will discuss a webinar email sequence you can copy-paste along with webinar email templates.

Before you build a sequence, you need to have the following details:

  • Who will be the target audience?
  • When will you send each email?
  • How long will be the interval between each email?
  • What’s the end goal you want to achieve?


Email 1: Webinar invitation email

Best Time – 2 weeks before the webinar.

🎯 Goal of this email: To promote webinar

An invitation is the most common and the first email sent to the recipient to make a webinar announcement and build excitement among them. This email often contains a detailed breakdown of

  1. the topic of webinar
  2. date & time of webinar
  3. duration of webinar
  4. list of guest speakers or information about a single speaker, and
  5. on which webinar platform will it be hosted

To ensure you get higher registration through this email, perfect the timings by looking at your industry’s best time to send webinar promotional emails (check the first section of this article), or you can run A/B tests to collect data and make a more accurate estimate.

Here are two different types of webinar invitation examples you can inspire from:

Example 1 : Listing all the upcoming webinars

If you have a lineup for the webinar in a particular month, you can use invitation email to list them down and share relevant details about each of them, just like Foleon did:

Upcoming webinars sample email

Source: Really Good Emails

Example 2 : Promote a single webinar

Typically, in my inbox, I see brands promoting a single webinar and inviting me to join. This email by Litmus is a good example of how to write and design a webinar invitation email. 

Here’s why I liked this email:

  • Images of the guest speakers to make it more engaging.
  • The title at once depicts the topic, followed by the timings and a CTA.
  • The contrasting color of the CTA makes it stand out in the email.
Sample email to invite attendees to a webinar

Source: Litmus via Really Good Emails


Email 2: Webinar Registration Confirmation Email

Best Time – On successful registration

🎯 Goal of this email: Acknowledgment of registration & payment

As soon as someone signups for your webinar, send them a confirmation email. This email should thank them and allow them to add the webinar link to their calendar. 

Many webinar organizers tend to underestimate how important the registration confirmation email is. It’s important to address questions your attendees may have such as

  • Was my webinar registration accepted?
  • Was my payment successful ?
  • Where can I get the invoice ?
  • What can i expect next ?
  • Reinforce webinar details like topic, time, date and duration.
  • Any specific tech requirements or guidelines for the webinar
  • Contact details in case they have questions or queries
  • Social media share links

Addressing these questions helps build trust and makes you look professional. Dyspatch’s webinar confirmation email is a perfect example that follows all these practices:

Sample webinar registration confirmation email

Source: Dyspatch via Really Good Emails


Email 3: Webinar Reminder Email

Best Time – 1 day before the webinar & 1 hour before webinar start time

🎯 Goal of this email: To increase webinar attendance

A webinar registration doesn’t confirm that the registrant will attend the webinar. 

To make it the case, keep reminding registrants and those who haven’t signed up about the webinar date. The reminder email should be sent a few days before the session to keep up the excitement and bring in more registrations.

Here’s a webinar reminder email example by Sprout Social which they sent one day prior to the webinar. The email doesn’t have any visuals but still seems compelling because it serves the purpose of reminding users about the webinar.

Sample webinar reminder email

Source: Litmus

Don’t forget to include a reminder emailer in your webinar email sequence 1 hours before the webinar

On the day of the webinar, you need to nudge the registrant as they might forget about it due to day-to-day tasks. So, a reminder email 1 hour before the session and a few minutes before the session can be helpful.

A good practice while sending such emails is to highlight the timings of the session in different time zones. It will let the recipient check if they can attend it or not. If you think your recipient might not attend, you can also mention that you’ll offer a recording of the session to give them a sigh of relief.

A good example of a webinar reminder is this email by Demand Curve about their Growth Summit 2022. I got this email an hour before the session, and it re-reminded me about the session and made me attend it.

Sample webinar reminder email

Source: Growth Summit 2022

Email 4: Thank You For Attending The Webinar Email

Best Time -1 day after the webinar

🎯 Goal of this email: A simple thank you & collect feedback

Post-event, send all the attendees an email to thank them for showing up and making it a successful one. One other way to use this post-event thank you email is to collect feedback about the webinar topic, assess the engagement level, and know how you can improve future webinars.

Thank You email post-webinar is also a good time to let recipients know by when they can expect a recording of the session (if you offer one)

Selzy, in its thank you email, do all of these, making it an excellent post-webinar email example:

Sample webinar thank you email

Source: Selzy

Email 5: Post Webinar Followup Email

Best Time – 4-7 days after the webinar

🎯 Goal of this email: Meet business goal of the webinar

All your efforts have led to a successful webinar, and you are ecstatic. The last thing you need is for your attendee’s excitement to fade and have them not meet your end business goal. This is where the webinar followup email is a must do in your sales funnel.

Webinar Follow Up emails help nurture the relationships with your attendees, answer meaningful questions and stay top of mind. In addition you can explore including following in the post webinar email

  • Webinar recordings or place to watch on-demand
  • Promotions and offers for your product/service
  • Future webinar promotion
  • Ask for referrals & testimonials
  • If there was due payment, a reminder of due payment email 

Here is an amazing post webinar email example from Hive

Sample post webinar follow up email




Ace your webinar email marketing by creating an automated webinar email sequence that appeals to your audience and brings your more webinar registration. Besides writing a compelling copy to get more registrants, a good live webinar experience can make all the difference.

Frequent Asked questions

What is a webinar email?

Webinar emails are emailers you send about your webinar for different purposes. The primary goals are to promote your webinar , send a webinar invitation, confirm registration & payment , webinar reminders and seek feedback post webinar

How do I email a webinar?

Usually webinar hosts send a recording of the webinar that is uploaded on youtube. Alternatively if you want attendees to pay for on demand webinar then you can host in webinar platforms like nunify. You should also avoid emailing webinars from a non-company domain email like gmail.com or yahoo.com

How do I promote a webinar in an email?

The essential components for webinar promotion in your email has to be (1) Key guest speaker (2) Catchy webinar subject line (3) Duration of webinar (4) Webinar objectives & takeaways. You need to ensure for maximum registration you select the best time & dya.

When should you send a webinar email?

Various different webinar emails need to be sent at different phases. Ideally your webinar promotion email should be sent 1 month before the webinar as a teaser. The webinar invite email for maximum registration usually is sent 7-10 days before the webinar. Reminder emails are sent 1 day and 1 hour before the webinar.


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