Published 01. Apr. 2024

How to engage participants in virtual meetings effectively

IoT product development challenges existing R&D thinking and enables more impactful product development.

Mastering Virtual Meeting Etiquette

In the realm of remote collaboration, mastering virtual meeting etiquette is essential for fostering a professional and respectful environment. At Management Events, we understand the importance of setting the right tone from the get-go. Joining a call with your camera on is a subtle yet powerful way to demonstrate your readiness to engage. It’s a sign of respect to your fellow participants and sets a precedent for the level of interaction expected.

However, there may be moments when turning off your camera is necessary. Whether it’s due to personal reasons or unexpected interruptions, the key is communication. Informing others of your intention to go off-camera helps maintain transparency and assures the team of your continued participation. Remember, using the chat function to contribute to the conversation can compensate for the lack of visual cues, keeping you an active part of the dialogue.

Enhancing Interaction with Thoughtful Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful virtual meeting. At Management Events, we encourage the use of chat functions not only as a means to signal presence but also to foster ongoing engagement. By actively participating in the chat, you demonstrate your involvement and ensure that your voice is heard, even when your camera is off.

Moreover, it’s important to consider the nuances of in-person meetings and how they translate online. For instance, drinking coffee during a virtual meeting is generally acceptable, mirroring the norms of physical meetings. However, always be mindful of the mute button to avoid any unintended disruptions. This level of attentiveness to meeting etiquette enhances the overall experience for everyone involved.

Concluding with Clarity and Direction

As a meeting draws to a close, it’s crucial to end on a note that leaves no room for confusion. Management Events recommends swiftly ending the session for all once the agenda is complete. This decisive action prevents any uncertainty about the appropriate time to leave and respects the participants’ time.

Following up with a concise summary via communication platforms like Slack or email is an excellent practice. It reinforces key points discussed, reiterates important information, and provides a clear list of action items with due dates. This not only aids in retention but also ensures that everyone is on the same page moving forward.

Addressing Virtual Meeting FAQs

Questions often arise regarding the dos and don’ts of virtual meetings. Is it rude to turn off your camera? Should you refrain from drinking coffee? Management Events believes in addressing these FAQs head-on to eliminate any ambiguity. The consensus is that while it’s preferable to keep your camera on, turning it off occasionally with a polite explanation is acceptable.

As for enjoying a beverage during the meeting, it’s typically fine, as long as it mirrors the etiquette of an in-person scenario. These small considerations go a long way in maintaining a comfortable and productive virtual meeting space for all participants.

Symbio will be attending 600Minutes Innovation and Product Development in Finland on the 4th of April 2017
Juha Turunen

Chief Solution Executive, Symbio Finland