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It’s time to talk about safety – and that means CDC guidelines for events. Because in a world where COVID-19 is still present, planners need to start getting up to date with the program. As the economy starts opening back up, the events industry has to keep up with the measures put in place to protect people. Hybrid events will come into play. And in order to make attendees feel safe, as well as to respect the CDC guidelines for events, some studying and research become necessary.

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Obviously, things will keep changing accordingly to the state of the world. But that’s just another reason for event professionals to stay on top of these guidelines. Because as we discussed recently, only events that ensure safety will emerge as the winners. So, what are the biggest risk factors? And what must event planners do to ensure maximum safety for their attendees now and in the future? Are there any specific measures depending on the size and nature of the event? All of this and more will be discussed on this week’s episode of Event Brew, hosted by Thuy Diep, Will Curran, and Nick Borelli. So press play and join the conversation!

Just know that scale is a risk. When you're saying you're doing everything you can but you have a massive event, that's not consistent with CDC guidelines of what isn't a risky endeavor. Share on X There are a lot of event design ramifications coming from this. Share on X If the playing field wasn't leveled, someone might take a risk to gain some ground. But all the competitors are in the same boat, and no one will want to be aggressive with the risk involved. Share on X CDC Guidelines For Events Share on X

Have you considered a virtual event?

Download our free virtual event planning checklist today and learn what you have to do every step of the way to create an unforgettable experience for your attendees. And if you’re looking for the best virtual event production company out there, chat with us! The Endless team is here to help.

Make sure you join us again next week for another episode. In case you’re interested in extra virtual event content, click here to learn more while you wait for another episode incredible of Event Brew!

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Nick Borelli

Author Nick Borelli

With 20+ years in the industry, Nick Borelli is passionate about helping event brands communicate stories that result in achieving strategic goals.

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