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In-Person Events Mark a Transformative Turn for Enterprise Companies 

In Person Events Mark a Transformative Turn

In a world reshaped by digital interactions, the return of in-person events among enterprise companies has taken center stage in the first half of 2023. As large corporations evaluate their strategies, according to Content Marketing Institute 2023, 63% of enterprise marketers are giving in-person events a solid thumbs-up this year. That’s 2.5 times more than what we saw in the previous year’s survey. Clearly, in-person events are back in full swing and here to stay.   

In this blog, we’ll share insights regarding the resurgence of in-person events by Certain. We’ll also highlight how event management software is gearing up to make the most of these revived in-person experiences. 

In-Person Events Soar in the First Half of 2023 

In the first half of 2023, 78% of events across all categories have embraced in-person events according to Certain. This is a significant leap from 65% in 2022 and a mere 18% in 2021. Despite the buzz around hybrid events (making up only 4% in 2022 and 6% in 2021), it’s crystal clear that face-to-face interactions are making a triumphant return. 

Enterprises Lead the In-Person Charge 

When we zoom in on corporate customers, the resurgence of in-person events becomes even more pronounced. An impressive 83% of corporate events in 2023 have chosen the in-person route. This shows a jump from 69% in 2022 and a mere 27% in 2021. The message is as clear as day: enterprise companies are enthusiastically embracing the delight of face-to-face interactions once again

Insights on Event Types 

Let’s take a closer look at the types of events that are leading the revival of in-person events: 

  • Conferences: A staggering 94% are happening in person in the first half of 2023, up from 86% in 2022 and a mere 25% in 2021. 
  • Training and Education Events: An impressive 93% have embraced the in-person vibe in 2023, a substantial increase from 75% in 2022 and 21% in 2021. 
  • Account Events: These are at an 86% in-person participation rate in 2023, compared to 75% in 2022 and 46% in 2021. 

The growth in external, in-person events is nothing short of captivating: 

  • Training and education events have surged by a jaw-dropping 87% in 2023 compared to the previous year, and we’re only halfway through. 
  • Thought-leadership events have seen a solid 32% increase, painting a promising picture. 
  • Account events continue to impress with a notable 23% growth, showcasing their enduring appeal. 

Internal Events: Inside the Corporate World 

The momentum isn’t slowing down when it comes to internal events within corporate settings. A staggering 88% of these events in 2023 have embraced the joy of in-person interactions. This is a significant shift from 79% in 2022 and a mere 42% in 2021. 

External Events: Stepping into the Spotlight 

It’s not just within the corporate walls that the in-person resurgence is happening. External events, the occasions for forging connections beyond the usual confines, are also making a grand comeback. In 2023, a robust 80% of corporate external events have opted for in-person event formats, a substantial leap from 61% in 2022 and 24% in 2021. 

Unlocking Potential with Event Management Software 

As in-person events regain their significance, the role of event management software becomes pivotal in enhancing their value. With a data-driven approach, event technology empowers enterprise companies to orchestrate events, glean key insights that they can act on in real-time, and optimize ROI. By capitalizing on the resurgence of in-person events, businesses can forge connections, spark innovation, and elevate their brand presence in ways that virtual experiences simply cannot replicate. 

Dive into the world of data-driven event management solutions today and discover the transformative power of in-person events in this fresh new business landscape. It’s time to embrace the human touch once more! 

Ready to Start Planning Your Next In-Person Event? 

Certain is the leading enterprise event management and intelligence platform that helps data-driven marketers integrate rich buying signals and attendee insights to improve sales and marketing outcomes. Certain’s end-to-end event management software will enable you to seamlessly incorporate the most important features for your events. Contact us for a free consultation with one of our event experts. 

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