rental business

Reasons to Consider Holiday Inflatables for your Rental Business

Event Marketing News & Tips by Instent > Inflatables Hub > Holiday Inflatables > Reasons to Consider Holiday Inflatables for your Rental Business

If you are in the rental business and have been looking for a new offering to add to your portfolio, holiday inflatables could be the missing ingredient to wild success. Christmas inflatables, in particular, have soared in popularity over the last decade, but there is still time to capitalize on the market of people who prefer to rent their annual decorations rather than own them.

Here are some of the most compelling reasons why inflatable rentals could be a great addition to your business:


The holiday season is not limited to just inflatable Santa or inflatable reindeer for Christmas. People can rent inflatables that make sense for any holiday, all year! For example, renting Halloween inflatables is extremely popular for transforming one’s property into a haunted theme.

Year-Round appeal

Inflatable decorations aren’t just for holidays. You can embrace inflatables throughout the entire year. Some ideas for use include parties, themed events, and even sporting competitions.

Commercial-garde quality

You want to make sure that any items you invest in to rent out withstand the test of time. No one wants to only rent something once or twice before they have to discard it. Because these inflatables are made with high-quality material that can survive in most climates, you are very likely to make a ton of profit off each piece.

Variety and appeal

The diversity in options, like an inflatable snowman or penguin, ensures that your rental business will have something for everyone. It can also help to bring in a large pool of clientele, as people love to comb through a ton of options and see what strikes them as the perfect piece for their decorative display. Other popular items for Christmas include the inflatable gingerbread man and the inflatable Grinch. Offering this type of variety and choice will help make your rental business more appealing to prospective customers.

Ease of setup and transport

One responsibility you will take on if you choose to add holiday inflatables to your rental business is the setup and transportation component of the agreement. Fortunately for you, items like the inflatable Christmas tree are designed to be easily moved from one place to another. They are also very simple to set up and will get easier for your staff the more customers they help. This is a relatively small effort on your part, but it has the appearance of a white glove service to your customers that will keep them satisfied and returning year after year.

Low maintenance

One of the most difficult aspects of running a rental business is having to maintain the equipment you are renting out. If the customer returns an item that is not damaged to the level where you are able to force them to buy it from you, then you are responsible for any light repairs and maintenance needed to restore the item for the next customer. Holiday inflatables are much lower maintenance compared to other holiday decorations, keeping your portfolio of inflatables in good condition to be rented repeatedly.


As a rental unit providing items to customers that they will use independently, you want to make sure that you are handing over safe items that will not put them at any risk of danger. Inflatables are known to be a safe decoration. They are soft and lightweight, making them easy for your staff to maneuver and set up without injury. Your customers will also feel safe being around the inflatables to enjoy them throughout the holiday season. As long as your clients keep any sharp objects away that could penetrate the material and cause a loss of air, there will be no safety concerns.

Learn more about inflatables at Instent today to see if including them in your rental portfolio would be a smart move for your business.