How Inflatable Buildings, Structures and Tunnels are Used

How Inflatable Buildings, Structures and Tunnels are Used

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An inflatable structure can add a lot to an exhibition or event.

What Should I Take Into Consideration for Inflatable Structures?

When you use inflatable structures for your gathering or event, there are important things to consider. You want to ensure a safe event for those in and around the structure, and you also want to limit damage to the inflatable.

  • Event Type: Indoor and outdoor venues have different requirements for securing and caring for an inflatable structure. Inflatable structures are vulnerable to storms and high winds.
  • Set-Up Location: Set up your inflatable building, inflatable archway, or inflatable tunnel on even ground, and clear any debris or loose objects. Uneven ground, or ground with sand or gravel, can damage the membrane or knock over an external blower.
  • Cleaning Capabilities: Certain structures, like bounce houses or slides, require significant cleaning and disinfecting during and after use. Other structures, though they may not get as dirty, still need to be cleaned. You want to be sure that you have the supplies to properly clean the structure.
  • Staff Availability: Inflatable structures are safer with someone monitoring them. They can ensure that no one is being unsafe in and around an archway or tunnel. They can also be prepared to clear out and deflate the structure if bad weather begins.

It’s important to ensure that you can handle these requirements when designing, buying, or renting an inflatable structure.

Inflatable vs. Rigid Structures

When you are considering inflatable structures, you may be wondering whether it’s more effective to select a rigid structure, such as a frame-supported tent, or a more permanent structure. There are several things to consider:

Maintenance and Cleaning

Cleaning an inflatable structure is fairly straightforward, but it can also be more difficult. They require extra care, as untreated moisture or grime can cause damage over time to the material. Rigid structures are often easier to clean.


There is no question that many types of inflatable structures are an investment, and certain rigid structures may provide similar shelter at less cost. However, some inflatable structures may be a more cost-effective alternative to their rigid counterparts.


It’s important to determine if you need to be able to quickly take down and set up your booth or tent. An inflatable tent is easier and usually faster to set up and take down. It is also lighter and easier to transport than rigid structures with poles or permanent aspects.


It’s important to determine if you need to be able to quickly take down and set up your booth or tent. An inflatable tent is easier and usually faster to set up and take down. It is also lighter and easier to transport than rigid structures with poles or permanent aspects.

Length of Use

It’s important to weigh how often and how long you think you will be using the structure. If you’re planning to remain in one spot for frequent use, a rigid or lasting structure may be a better option.


Although commercial-grade materials and commercial inflatables are made for durability, they are still inflatables. In some situations, a structure sees significant traffic and use, and this wears down the materials over time. This may take several years for certain high-quality inflatables but, for some companies, a rigid structure is a more durable alternative.

Benefits of Inflatable Structures

There are some qualities that inflatable structures have that can’t be replicated by rigid structures. These include:

  • A uniquely bright and interesting shape that brings additional attention to your area of a venue
  • A customizable and memorable approach to the design and printing of the inflatable structure, using your organization’s colors or branding
  • Being easier to move and adapt to changing conditions or the needs of the venue

At Instent, we are here for all your individual or company needs. When you need an inflatable or pop-up structure for a venue, see how we can help you.