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Creativity is part of what makes you an event superstar. But it can be hard to get creative when you’re worried about budget approvals and other logistics. That’s why many event pros partner with companies that provide creative services. With creative experts on their side, they can stress less while ensuring their event strikes the perfect balance between engaging attendees and meeting business goals. It’s a win-win for everyone! 

But what exactly is event creative? What services does it include? How can you get buy-in from your company leaders? We break down the basics to show you how event creative unlocks those magic moments that attendees can’t stop talking about.

What Is Event Creative?

Event creative is what makes the attendee experience immersive from start to finish. It includes everything from graphic design and video production to branding, scriptwriting, and consulting.

In short, event creative is all about event design! It’s what sets your event apart.

Why Does Event Creative Matter?

Think about the best event you’ve attended. What do you remember about it? The venue? The content? Chances are, what you really remember is how you felt

The most memorable events elicit emotional reactions. And they don’t do this by mistake. They intentionally leverage event creative to orchestrate unique experiences that stick with attendees.

Whether your event is virtual, hybrid, or a mix of both, here are some of the benefits of event creative:

Improved Attendee Engagement

82% of B2B marketers believe that attendee engagement is a key KPI for event success. But we all know it isn’t exactly easy to hold an audience’s attention.

Luckily, creative event experiences, like VR, can boost engagement. When attendees have the chance to experience something in a fresh way, they’ll be more eager to engage with it. 

Increased ROI

According to one report, 76% of job ads want event professionals capable of establishing the business value of events. Being able to prove event ROI is more important than ever.

From marketing and branding to video production and presentation management, event creative is all about elevating the attendee experience. This makes it one of the main drivers of event success and ROI. In fact, 70% of users become regular customers after an experiential marketing event.

What Are Event Creative Services?

Now that you know the basics of event creative let’s dive into the details! Event creative can cover a wide range of design, and each company might provide different services.

If you’re looking for a partner, here are some key offerings to consider:

Creative Consulting

Every event pro knows that a successful event results from months of careful planning. Creative consulting can be critical to this preparation. 

With creative consulting services, experts will help you develop a comprehensive, insightful event strategy that drives your business goals forward. They’ll help you pick a venue or virtual platform, develop a marketing plan, and more. 

If you’re hosting a specific type of event, look for a company that specializes in that area or has standout examples from past events you’ve loved.

Graphic Design

When it comes to events, graphic design covers a wide range of digital and print materials:

  • Logos
  • Trade show displays
  • Newsletters
  • Direct mail pieces
  • Email templates
  • Invitations

Event creative companies can design and develop these assets for you and ensure brand consistency across channels. 

3D Event Renderings

Ever wish you could visualize different layouts without taking the time to drag equipment around the venue? 3D rendering software lets you visualize different event designs: 

  • Floor plans
  • Layouts
  • Seating charts
  • Furnishings 
  • Lighting

With the right company walking you through the software, you can (virtually) adjust your space until you’ve created the optimal design. From there, it’s easy to bring your vision to life.

Presentation Template Design

A presentation template can make your life easier if your event includes webinars, seminars, or any session with a slide deck. 

An event creative services company can design sleek, branded templates for any type of presentation. All you or your speakers need to do is plug in the right content. Template design can streamline your process as well as ensure consistency and brand recognition across events.

Presentation Design & Editing

Already have your own presentation template? Great! Event creative services can add a little “oomph” to ensure that the correct information stands out. 

Many companies can provide original content and visual development if you have a custom request. They’ll craft the perfect presentation for your content by:

  • Adjusting the layout
  • Adding attention-getting images
  • Producing high-quality 3D graphics
  • Creating smooth animations

Scenic Design

Set the stage for event success — literally! Scenic design is all about maximizing a stage or venue’s appeal. It should leave a lasting impression on your audience and prioritize visibility and accessibility.

A company that provides scenic design services will help you achieve this balance. In some cases, they’ll even help you set everything up at the venue:

  • Motion graphics
  • Digital screens
  • Lighting 
  • Banners, backdrops, and scenery

Video Production

We all know how important high-quality video production is. But it requires a lot more than a fancy camera. When you work with a creative company, they’ll help you film, edit, and animate cinematic-quality videos on-site or online. 

The best companies will also provide the resources you need to repurpose your video content for on-demand audiences. 

User Experience/Interface Design (UX/UI)

Event websites, virtual platforms, and mobile apps are crucial to any event. After all, this is where attendees register, network, and otherwise engage with your content. 

From layout and navigation to color scheme and font choice, creative service companies will ensure your event tools are intuitive, easy to use, and aesthetically pleasing.

Event Branding Design

From an event’s name and logo to sponsors and swag, branding design will help you create an event experience that’s all your own.

Creative companies will work with you to incorporate existing elements and ensure corporate consistency if you already have an established brand.

Copywriting and Script Writing

What you say is just as important as how you say it. In the hands of great writers, words can compel your attendees to take action.

Professional copywriters who specialize in event creative can help you craft impactful, engaging copy for any channel:

  • Event listings
  • Presentations
  • Print graphics
  • Websites
  • Event platforms

AR and VR Experiences

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) give attendees an entirely new way to engage with your content. 

The right company can help you create a custom VR experience, deploy existing systems, and integrate AR with your existing apps.

Asset Management and Pre-Show Prep

Last but not least, let’s talk about project management. It may not be the first thing you think of when you hear the words “event creative,” but it has a vital role.

Keeping track of an event’s graphic design, video production, and more is a full-time job. Some creative companies have project managers to help you track, organize, and deliver all of your creative assets. This way, you can spend time on other tasks that need your attention.

Create an Unforgettable Event

According to a Skift Meetings survey, 67% of event professionals measure ROI based on attendee satisfaction. They also prioritize staying within budget and gaining registrations. Creative services are the secret to driving ROI and creating unforgettable experiences regardless of how you measure event success. 

Endless Events is a full-service event management company with a wide range of creative services. From creative consulting and project management to graphic design, scriptwriting, and VR, we’ll help you design, develop, and execute engaging experiences that stay with attendees for years to come. 

Reach out to us — we’re here to help!

Sonja Hayden

Author Sonja Hayden

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