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It’s time to dive deep into the world of 2020 event marketing trends! Because it’s December, the next episodes of #EventIcons will focus on what’s to come. And, of course, what these trends mean for our industry. So today, we kickstart this series of episodes with 2020 event marketing trends. As event professionals, marketing is an enormous part of what we do. And being on top of what will change and what will remain the same puts us one step ahead in the game.

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To help us out with this exciting conversation, we welcome two iconic guests, Nicole Osibodu and Mark Granovsky. Nicole is an event planner professor at San Diego State University and the President and co-founder of Haute Dokimazo. Mark is the CEO of G2Planet, an enterprise software company that provides corporate event marketing and management solutions to large companies. So, are you ready for this? Press play, it’s time for #Eventicons!

How does technology foster and help the human connection rather than just take away and distract it? Click to Tweet
When brands let people create their own stories or tell their stories, and use their brands not as the highlight but to make their stories better, that is the most powerful and authentic thing. Click to Tweet
I think at the end of the day, people want people connections and that's why we love this business. Click to Tweet

We want to help keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest!

Below, in our Epic Resources section, we link the awesome insider favorites that were mentioned in this episode! You WANT to check these out! What has been your favorite episode so far? Comment below and let us know!

You’re watching this recording of our event industry podcast episode here on our blog, but wouldn’t you rather watch live, ask your own questions, and participate in person? Subscribe now to watch live! (We’ll remind you of upcoming episodes.) We would love for you to join us LIVE and bring your questions for our icons.

How To Subscribe:

Follow our iconic hosts from this week’s episode about 2020 event marketing trends:

Check out the epic resources and learn more about 2020 event marketing trends!

2020 Business Trends and How They Impact Events

2020 Event Trends – How Will the Industry Evolve?

Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity

And that’s a wrap on today’s episode of #EventIcons! Are you excited about these 202 event marketing trends? Which ones you simply can’t wait to adopt? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to tune in next week for another set of amazing, iconic conversations!

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Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey

Author Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey

An accomplished speaker (though she prefers to be backstage with a headset), #EventIcons host, event prof, and marketer with work featured in the New York Times, Lindsay and team have worked with brands including Ford Motor Company, American Bar Association, Harvard Business School, and many more.

More posts by Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey