‘Chief changemaker’ brings Big sessions at Event Sustainability Live


Guy Bigwood, CEO and chief changemaker at regenerative tourism and events impactor GDS-Movement, has picked up a remarkable 22 awards for his pioneering work focused on helping governments, cities, corporations and associations step up, scale up and speed up their sustainability programmes.

Named among the Micebook and isla Power 50: Green Champions in October, Guy Bigwood is a powerful, persuasive, galvanising speaker who will front three sessions at Event Sustainability Live (ESL), on day one.

The Bigwood ESL turns start on the GL Events Stage with ‘Destination sustainability: results, trends, and insights’ – considering six key trends highlighted by the latest round of GDS-Index benchmarking.

In the afternoon, over on the DPRG Stage, Guy Bigwood will dig into the more ‘ESCRS case study: A strategic view of sustainable association meetings’, inspired by takeaways from ESCRS Congress 2022 in Milan and ESCRS Congress 2023 in Vienna.

The Bigwood afternoon wraps on the same stage with ‘The regenerative revolution: Developing and managing future-fit, thriving events’ – sharing research and best practices triggered by and post-pandemic. Keys to more resilient, inclusive, sustainable and impactful events.

Guy Bigwood comments: “Event Sustainability Live is a transformative platform for event professionals seeking to make a positive difference. As we gather for this two-day journey, we’re not only embracing sustainability; we’re accelerating it together.

“I’m thrilled to be a part of this movement. Through these sessions, we’ll uncover real-world results and the latest trends, providing you with invaluable insights to shape your own event and destination sustainability narratives.

“We’ll discuss the power of sustainable destinations and how they can change the game. The ESCRS case study will showcase the strategic brilliance behind sustainable association meetings.

“Together, we’ll leave Event Sustainability Live not just inspired but equipped with the knowledge and tools to create events that drive change and set new standards for a sustainable future.

“Join us. Let’s reshape the event industry one regenerative step at a time!”

Event Sustainability Live is at ExCel London on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th November.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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