Story and Venue Search London launches new Event Buyers’ Survey


Leading London agency, Story Events are undertaking a Corporate Event Buyers’ Survey this week to better understand event buyers’ thinking around the ongoing use of virtual and the safe return to live internal events, in the light of the clear roadmap presented by the Government on Monday.

They are inviting corporate event buyers to take part in the survey (closing this Friday at noon) here.

The results will be presented in a free “Outlook for 2021” webinar next Thursday at 11am, This lively interactive session will be hosted by Mike Kershaw (Founder of event consultancy, Kershaw and Partners), who will be discussing the results and other trends with Richard Waddington (Chair of EMA-UK, The Event Marketing Association) and Sam Gill (CEO of Story Events).

Sam Gill comments “We now have a clear enough picture of the Government plans and we will hear more about possible ongoing support in the Budget, which is being delivered the day before the Webinar.  Whatever further support we get, I feel the industry now needs to turn its attention swiftly to how we can best encourage buyers to return safely to live or hybrid event environments.  It is likely that the reality of returning events to our venues will take longer than the regulations will allow, so we must all pivot our focus on delivering the right messages to the corporate buyers and their decision makers”.

The webinar is open to corporate buyers, event agencies, venues and suppliers and you can register for this free session here.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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