Exhibition Think Tank Club partners with Event Tech Live


Matthias Tesi Baur, CEO of MBB-Consulting Group, and many industry friends and professionals around the world founded The Exhibition Think Tank Club (ETT-Club) as a one-off to discuss Covid-19’s impact on the industry in the thick of the pandemic. 

Two years on, with more than 1,000 members, 20 team leaders, ETT-Club has unshakable place at the table and has partnered with Event Tech Live to run a survey ahead of the London 2022 event with one big question, ‘‘What are the digital challenges in the exhibition industry?’ 

The survey results will be shared and discussed in an online workshop hosted by ETT Club in October.  

Culminating in a panel discussion at ETL on day one, presenting solutions and shared outcomes. The show will also feature a networking hour where everybody is welcome, members and non-members of ETT Club. 

Tanya Pinchuk, CEO, and Mykyta Fastovets, Co-founder & CTO, ExpoPlatform “ETT Club is all about collaboration, bringing people from all sides of the industry together, exchanging ideas, thoughts and solutions to develop exhibition-related themes, from hybrid events to talent acquisition.

“Technology played a big part in starting the club, for obvious reasons, and it’s an integral element of the contemporary exhibition model, so Event Tech Live is the perfect platform for ETT Club.” 

Adam Parry, co-founder of Event Tech Live, comments: “The Exhibition Think Tank Club is a great example of this industry’s reaction time in moments of crisis. The pandemic wreaked havoc on lives and jobs, so inspiring a new focus was vital in the search for workable solutions.  

“It’s testament to Tesi’s foresight and his team, The ETT Club and its community of industry professionals can provide so much invaluable insight and inspiration to the exhibition industry. We are really looking forward to seeing the panel process in action.” 

Event Tech Live, London, is at ExCel on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th November. https://eventtechlive.com 

Paul Allott
Author: Paul Allott

Paul Allott is a director and co-founder of Event Industry News, Event Tech Live and the Event Technology Awards.

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