First Event recognised at Digital Event Awards

Yorkshire company wins top award for delivering massive 'Cardano Summit'

Credit: JT - Aniseed Photographs

First Event has marked an extended period of rapid growth and client wins with its first award, claiming the top award at the Digital Event Awards in London last week. 

The UK based events company beat stiff competition from companies like The Times and Logitech to take the title of Best Digital Conference for their work on the Cardano Summit 2021, the world’s largest ever Hybrid Blockchain event in September 2021.

For the Cardano Summit, First Event delivered an impressive 48-hour hybrid event to an online audience of 142,000 people in 180 countries alongside 13,500 in-person attendees at watch parties that ran simultaneously in New York, Miami, Wyoming, Berlin, Tokyo, Cape Town, London and another +40 community hubs. The event boasted 73 hours of content, 208 speakers in 137 sessions.

A key part of the event involved creating a virtual world for online participants that wowed delegates with a combination of virtual and real-world interaction, using innovative technologies to engage the audience that incorporated social, video and interactive features. Attendees created customised profiles and avatars enabling them to walk around, interacting with other participants and content.

Billed as the biggest ever blockchain event, Cardano Summit excited fans and brought together the global developer community driving blockchain’s transformative potential.

Richard Murphy, Managing Director, First Event said: “We have worked with Input Output (IOHK), leaders of blockchain technology, for 4 years and we are delighted that their event is gaining some of the recognition it deserves. Not only for our hard work but for the hard work and achieved ambition of such an amazing client. This event was pulled together in just 7 weeks, so it was a real company effort. All departments worked together to make sure it was the best it could possibly be – I couldn’t be prouder of everyone for what we achieved”

Kerry De Jong, Head of Events, Input Output (IOHK) said: “This event exceeded our expectations. The amazing feedback from our community, positive response on social media. People showing interest in IOHK, Cardano, and our projects has skyrocketed, we’re very proud of it. We are delighted with the Digital Event Award and are looking forward to making more award worthy events for our community”

Pictured: Richard Murphy, Managing Director of First Event – Credit: Andrew Benge

Enhanced Content

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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