New “right and fair” website online

Sustainability code of German-speaking event industry offers guidelines and practical examples


The website of the “right and fair” sustainability code has been relaunched in a new design, providing comprehensive inspiration and practical information about sustainability in the event industry. In addition to profiles of the more than 300 members of the right and fair code that can be found on, the platform now also offers valuable content such as interviews and best-practice examples, making it an important source of inspiration for companies and organisations that want to educate themselves on sustainability in events.

Voluntary commitment to sustainability

The “right and fair” sustainability code is a voluntary commitment to corporate social responsibility when organising and running events. By signing the code, companies commit to complying with the guidelines, which define sustainability as a corporate responsibility with all its consequences. This means that the three pillars of sustainable development – economic, environmental, and social – need to be integral components of the corporate strategy and incorporated in all processes. “right and fair” signatories document their activities in their so-called “sustainability profile”, which is updated and published every two years. For better illustration and transparency, the code’s criteria have been aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Initiated by events professionals to provide practical guidance

The right and fair code was launched in 2012 as an initiative of the EVVC European Association of Event Centers and the GCB German Convention Bureau. In an open discussion process with event professionals guiding principles were developed together with representatives of event venues and other stakeholders to ensure a practical approach. These guiding principles form the basis of the industry-specific sustainability code, which offers companies in the event industry simple and practical recommendations with regard to corporate social responsibility (CRS). “We are glad that the EVVC and GCB together have taken up the topic of CSR as early as they did,” says EVVC President Ilona Jarabek. “By now, the majority of our member businesses are very advanced in this field and can find the right offer in our portfolio. Today, sustainability is more important than ever, and our industry must also do its part to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Our ‘right and fair’ code is the perfect way to start.”

Sustainability has been a high priority issue for the EVVC and GCB for more than ten years. It is firmly integrated in the strategy of both associations and supported with a wide range of initiatives. These include the Green Globe certification, the organisation and running of dedicated industry events on the topic as well as specific training courses for event industry sustainability consultants. The EVVC and GCB are currently working on getting events certified with the German environmental label “Blue Angel” and are also involved in developing sustainability strategies at a European level.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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