a day in the life of an event executive at seven events

a day in the life of an event executive at seven events

new to seven events, kate shepherd, gives us an insight into a day in her life as an event executive; from venue finding to site visits. read below to find out what goes on behind the scenes.

7:00am i’m very prone to snoozing my alarm but on a good day, i shower, get dressed and have a quick breakfast of fruit and yoghurt with one of my housemates.

8:00am my commute from battersea into our london office in mayfair is as easy as i could ask for! i jump on the bus at about 10 past 8 straight from my front door and read my book for the journey to marble arch.

9:00am arrive in the office where i check and return any emails that came in from the night before.

9:30am at this time, i could be briefed by our operations director, heather, on a new proposal to work on – i will usually receive a new brief about once or sometimes twice a week. there is always a variety of events to get involved in – it could be anything from an incentive trip to paris, a car reveal or a launch party, for 10 to 1000 people! on bigger projects i will team up with our creative producer to divide the load and shadow her.

10:00am team meeting! we all head into the boardroom of our park lane office and after a catch up about our weekends, we each run through the projects were working on. it’s usually a really collaborative meeting where we are able to share ideas and delegate tasks.

11:00am i would usually get started on my proposal for the new project as soon as possible. the first step is researching the business in order to gather insights and be able to cater the event to their values.

12:30pm with 70 years combined industry experience, the best place to start brainstorming is the team themselves. my work buddy, holly, is my first point of call to talk through the flow of a proposal, to get a fresh pair of eyes and ensure it’s tailored to each client. then, the team is able to provide options for venues, activities, conference rooms, hotels and much more! after that, i send out initial enquiries to around 15 different venues.

1:30pm take lunch. in a brilliant location with oxford street just 5 minutes walk away, i like to take advantage of the coffee shops near the office. i also try to get some steps in by taking a walk in hyde park which is opposite – when its not too cold!

2:30pm the afternoons are usually for site visits. with the event manager, i travel from the office to scout a venue for an upcoming event. this could be to confirm a venue suits a client’s needs, to talk through how the space will work with the client or meet with production teams to explain our vision. i also use this opportunity to gather more information about the venue such as photos, detailed measurements and health and safety requirements.

4:30pm back to the office to check the status of my enquiries – for those that have confirmed, i would make sure the venues suit our client’s needs for example, by designing special dinner set ups or checking what space they have for outdoor activities.

5:30pm is when the working day officially ends. i try to get out around this time but sometimes i’m absorbed in what i am doing so will work a little late. sometimes i’ll go to a venue spotlight or a supplier showcase to network and learn about new updates in the industry.

7:00pm home for dinner and a relaxing evening in front of the tv. i’m not a great cook so i often have a quick meal such as homemade pizza or a roast dish. my housemates and i are really into tv dramas so we have hot chocolate and start the next episode of the whatever series we’re in to!

this is just a snapshot of the work we do at seven events; we go above and beyond to provide memorable, detail orientated events for our clients. contact us today to see how we can help bring your event to life.

interested in working at seven events? get in touch to learn more about what we do!