Engagement Specialist Noonah to launch PERSONALIZE, a new covid-safe product personalisation service


With Covid restrictions being lifted, the high-street and event planners face the considerable challenge of how to re-engage with their customer base and stimulate footfall in an uncertain landscape.

It will come as no surprise that online sales grew a massive 36% in 2020 while the high street suffered ‘the worst decline on record.’ But with lockdown easing and public spaces reopening, re-engaging customers lost to e-commerce is not an impossible task.

 “The solution is dependent on traditional bricks and mortar embracing the opportunities that tech offers.”  Noonah CEO, Matt Franks

Product-personalisation was on the rise long before Covid 19 and major brands such as Levis and Nike used it to elevate their stores from places where goods were sold, to truly experiential destinations. Noonah has long been the market leader in providing product-personalisation tech to its wide array of clients and understands better than anyone the massive potential it holds for brands, retailers and live events in the post-covid landscape. The challenge was how to make it available to everyone and not just those with the biggest budgets?

Step forward PERSONALIZE, Noonah’s powerful new platform designed to offer product personalisation to all, from the independent retailer to the international brand.

The PERSONALIZE platform’s strength lies in its functionality and UI being entirely customisable.  This means that it can be tailored to suit any brand, market and almost any product.  Being a cloud-based technology, PERSONALIZE can be operated through a terminal in-store or by using the “Covid-safe” option of the customers own mobile phone.  

“The High street needs to play to its strengths, using technology like PERSONALIZE to offer what online pure-players can’t, an engaging, physical brand experience.” Matt Franks, Noonah CEO

PERSONALIZE is truly scalable and depending on the size, budget and strategy Noonah can help organise installations as pop-up events or long-term fixtures. The PERSONALIZE printers (provided by Noonah as part of the Service), can print any design to almost any product!

Above all PERSONALIZE is about engagement and reestablishing customer loyalty at a time when the high street and live events need as much help as they can get.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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