Meta Games wins Avvio Reply Best use of Technology for Engagement & Interaction at Event Technology Awards


We’re thrilled to be the 2022 Event Technology award winners for the ‘Best use of Technology for Engagement & Interaction’. We helped over 3000 employees at Reply (a global tech company) experience the metaverse across three annual conferences in London, Milan and Munich. The experience was called the ‘Meta Games’ and two games were featured at the events – ‘REPLY RACE’ and ‘DANCE OFF’.

To play these Meta Games the user needed to first create their avatar through the event app. They were taken to a page where they could customise their avatar – changing their character, features, clothes, accessories and more.

REPLY RACE was a motion tracked experience. As you moved, the camera tracked your position and moved your avatar. The aim was to navigate your avatar through a ‘Reply Metaverse’ collecting points and power-ups whilst avoiding bombs and obstacles. Every players score was tracked so they could see where they were placed on the leaderboard.

DANCE OFF involved players showing off their dance skills by trying to replicate their avatar dancing to a number of famous and familiar songs. Depending on how well they performed, the better the prize they received.

During the breaks, while the experiences were open, audiences gathered around the experiences for their chance to play. After people played they would come back time and time again to try and beat their previous score and get higher on the leaderboard…and to beat their colleagues!

Both activities were a huge success, bringing out the competitive spirit in people and encouraging networking and talkability.

All our Meta Games have been built so they can be adapted for any brand and we are currently developing new experiences to join the Meta Games suite that will be used at events and placed in office locations. We are also investigating other ways of incorporating the avatars into the employee journey such as onboarding and learning.

The future of our activities will enable people to play and interact both in the metaverse and at a live event at the same time.

We’re Avvio Reply, a full-service creative agency with in-house consultancy, creative, digital and experiential capabilities. Combining award-winning creativity and the latest innovation through our Reply network, we offer memorable event experiences with engagement at the heart.

For more information on how your employees can experience the Meta Games get in touch:

Barry Loughlin


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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