Event Tech Live Las Vegas announces Audio Visual partner


Minnesota-based production company AVEX will design, supply and run the sound, lighting, screens at Event Tech Live Las Vegas next month, as the show’s AV partner.

In business since 2002, AVEX opened in Las Vegas three years ago where it specialises in large format AV and lighting systems alongside its event production work.

Used to conference and exhibition contracts, clients include Rolls Royce, Hilton, Marriot and Capella University, AVEX is the preferred in-house AV provider at the Expo World Market Center Las Vegas, where ETL Vegas is located

Adam Parry, co-founder of the ETL brand, comments: “Every partner at a show like ours is crucial but as a tech event we can’t put a foot wrong with sound and light. AVEX impressed with its testimonials, its local experience and its quality of kit. I’m looking forward to plugging the first Event Tech Live Vegas into that expertise.”

Dagmar Thomson, regional director of venue sales at AVEX, says: “Event Tech Live’s launch in the US will bring a new flavor to the conversation about event technology. We want to be part of that!

“At the end of the day, ETL is all about innovation and custom-tailored technology, creating unforgettable events. And so are we at AVEX!”

Event Tech Live Las Vegas is at the Expo, WMCLV on April 26th and 27th is FREE to attend. Register here.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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