Vividink to host Upload Sessions at Event Tech Live


Vividink, the event industry PR specialist will be exhibiting at Event Tech Live, ExCeL London, November 16-17, 2022, after a successful exhibition debut at the event last year.

This year Vividink is hosting ‘Upload Sessions’ where delegates will be able to trade 15 minutes of their time for a detailed Perception Management Checklist, sent to them after the show.

Vividink’s managing director, Paul Richardson, explained, “An ‘Upload Session’ is an opportunity for us to learn more about those businesses visiting and exhibiting, and an opportunity for them to begin proactively managing how their business is perceived. We will spend 15 minutes asking those who book an ‘Upload Session’ about their business, confidentiality assured, and we’ll use that information to research and create a tailored Perception Management Checklist.”

Richardson concluded, “Every decision maker in a business has a choice – manage perceptions of their business in an active and systematic way, or leave them to the vagaries of chance. Our Perception Management Checklists will help them refine and manage how their business is perceived by their customers, their prospects and the public.”

Vividink will be at stand B45 at Event Tech Live for both days. Delegates may book an upload session here – .

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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