Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide 2022 launch


BMA House, home to the British Medical Association since 1925, was the perfect setting to introduce Event Industry News’ (EIN) latest Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide.

Set just a few minutes walk from London Euston, in Tavistock Square, the Grade II listed building has Gold accreditation with Green Tourism, multiple Greenest Venue awards from Hire Space and Most Sustainable Venue from the London Summer Event Show among a weight of recognition.

The Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide launch saw attendees meet in their superior Snow room over coffee and a fabulous plant-based breakfast, by BMA House’s catering partner, CH&CO. After breakfast, it was through to the Paget room for a panel session suitably in step with the Guide.

Hosted by EightPR CEO Alistair Turner, Toni Griggs, who is growth lead at Isla – Maya Mahtre, head of marketing and sustainability at Reset Connect, Cassidy Knowles, director of events and operations at the Chorus Agency, Felicia Asiedu, senior marketing manager at Cvent and Victoria Lewis, sales & events planner for BMA House, discussed the big ‘greener’ questions.

In essence, those were: 1) Where do we start? 2) How much does it cost? 3) Can you give us some tips? and 4) What are the expectations?

Measuring was the unanimous response to the first question. Be aware of the emissions your events produce. Identify the worst offenders, typically travel, heating/cooling kit, power, and think ‘how can we do better’? Put a team together that’s passionate about sustainability and make time for them.

Remember, sustainable solutions don’t have to be more expensive. Plant-based cuisine is, typically, much cheaper than meat/fish and for venues that’s a saving that, at least in part, can be passed on to the client.

BMA House and the EIN team put in to practice what they were preaching; Event Decision very kindly created a TRACK report to see just how sustainable the breakfast briefing was, take look here

“The panel was really well put together,” EIN project manager, Beth Hancock, said. “Alistair’s questions were met with answers that gave the audience information from every side of the equation. There was very good reaction and input from the floor too.

“I was so pleased with the event. It showed how much genuine interest there is, it’s great to see how many suppliers are switching on to sustainability, and BMA House was the perfect venue for us.

“Event Industry News’ Sustainability Guide launch was an opportunity to welcome like-minded individuals and organisations to the venue for in-depth discussions on sustainability and the impact our choices have on the world around us,” Rebecca Hurley, venue marketing manager at BMA House, added. 

“The event was a great success and a real opportunity to showcase how BMA House is different and the steps we are taking benefit all. 

“Successful partnerships between destination, venue and client lie at the heart of all successful events – this was a key theme and takeaway for all attending, particularly when it comes to the creation of truly sustainable event solutions.”

The Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide is available to download, free of charge, HERE.

You can watch the full session here:


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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