Coconnex turns good business into 1080 days education for disadvantaged children


Coconnex has today revealed the results of its Hope Foundation charity initiative to help disadvantaged children in India.

The company which provides interactive floorplans, ​integration with CRM​ ​and bespoke networking platforms recently exhibited at Event Tech Live (ETL), and, for every meaningful contact they had with a visitor, they donated to charity to provide education for a deprived child.

Throughout Event Tech Live, via charity platform B1G1, Coconnex was able to donate 600 days of education, amounting to one month’s tuition for 30 children in India.

Speaking about the initiative, Coconnex’s head of marketing, Abhilasha Sen, revealed why the company has taken on this initiative: “We truly believe that ​inclusive education is paving the path to solving many world problems.

“While enrolment in primary education has risen to 91 percent in developing countries, there is still an estimated 57 million children across the globe who are at schooling age who aren’t receiving an education.

“​Empowerment and social impact​ is at the very core of Coconnex values. Through having a stand at ETL and our day-to-day interactions with current and potential new partners, we have managed to donate 1,080 days of education to disadvantaged children.

“Through striking up partnerships throughout this industry, we look forward to being able to give more.”

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: