Expansion for The Hospitality Partnership since December 2020 launch


As the UK hospitality industry starts to see long awaited green shoots of recovery, with it comes concern about staff resource.

The Hospitality Partnership re-launched in December to offer a flexible, cost-effective solution to businesses affected and concerned by budget cut- backs in various permanent roles.

Now just three months later The Hospitality Partnership has welcomed four new associate partners, who join the original six associate founder members and more than 20 associate team partners, to help get the hospitality sector recover and get back on its feet at a time it is needed most.

The Hospitality Partnership offer a talent bank of industry professionals covering a variety of key roles, skills and services, from business development and training to accounting, financial control, procurement, HR and marketing, PMS and more, all giving flexible, cost-effective solutions without compromising brand, service or delivery.

The new associate partners are Dynamize, a full marketing agency, Teri Gardner, from Food Safety Consulting, specialising in food safety and compliance, Kevin Roach, from Gaeltel, advising on sustainable, smart energy and Gavin Percy from Balancing Edges, providing health wellbeing, training and advice.

The new partners enthused about joining such a partnership, Emma from Dynamize added “we could see straight away the knowledge and expertise available to the hospitality industry through The Hospitality Partnership. It was an easy decision to come on board. It was actually the talent bank that really cemented our decision to join as it’s a huge benefit to us to be able to work with and recommend trustworthy and reliable businesses “, Gavin from Balancing Edges added why he joined, “because the concept of having professional specialists in all areas really appealed to me. What a great, flexible and cost-effective service to offer to clients – meaning that they only pay for the service they need without the overheads of a large company”. Kevin also commented, “You need the right people working with you to attract the right customers. The Hospitality Partnership offers that all at once for me, a team that I can relate to and can trust.”

Welcoming them founder Jan Denning said, “I am so proud of The Hospitality Partnership, we only launched the business model as it is now, at the end of 2020 and we are going from strength to strength. I’d like to say this is down to me and my strategic thinking, but it’s not, it is down to the incredible, talented, experienced, professionals we have as associate partners and the range of services they offer. That and the fact that our industry is having to look at new ways of operating and getting role responsibilities fulfilled in a flexible and cost- effective way”. Jan sent on to say “staff resource is a challenge, we hear it every day, reduced budgets on permanent staffing costs means exploring new ways of working, to get the job done, The Hospitality Partnership IS the solution.

I’d encourage any hospitality business to simply chat to us … explore how we can help, nothing to lose and a lot to gain”. Jan concluded with, “This is further evidence that this industry pulls together in time of need. By attracting the right partners and services The Hospitality Partnership can give back by offering solutions to the immediate and longer-term skilled personnel shortage”.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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