YR launches swag platform for virtual events

Virtual events were cool, now they're essential


International live design specialist YR has responded to the COVID-19 crisis with the launch of an online customisation service to boost engagement for virtual events, which can substitute for, or complement, the experiential offering of a live installation.  

YR Virtual Event Demo

Virtual events are nothing new but they have been seen as drab affairs with little interaction and nothing to really challenge F2F engagement. 

Progress in the virtual event space means online platforms are in a position to provide sleek ways to deliver content sessions, together with profiles for exhibitors and sponsors.

However, they have lacked the tangible, take home essence of interactivity; the event specific pickups from brands that have made a real impact. Until now.

With offices in London, LA, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo, for the last 7 years YR has been an experiential partner for brands including Ralph Lauren, Viacom and Google, developing unique ideas to engage event attendees, leaving it perfectly positioned to deliver solutions for companies in lockdown.  

With YR, audiences can design and order their swag, which is produced locally and shipped directly to the event attendee. 

CEO Tim Williams comments: With all this uncertainty, being a business owner, I recognise the need for rapid change to try and keep our business going, for our team and to help the industry that has supported us through all the developments we have made as a company.

“Virtual events were cool. Now they’re essential. Marketers and agencies need to ask themselves if they’re connecting with their virtual audience beyond the screen and if not why not.”

YR offers a solution for companies that may otherwise have ended up unable to interact with their audience outside of a live setting. Beyond that, it also offers the opportunity for organisers and sponsors to connect with audiences before and after events, both virtual and IRL.

This post is sponsored by YR

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.