QEII welcomes new non-executive directors Mark Riches and Lindsey Hoy


Eddie Hughes MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Mark Taylor, the chief executive of the government owned QEII Centre, have appointed Mark Riches and Lindsey Hoy as non-executive directors of the venue. 

Mark is an experienced business leader, strategic thinker, developer of talent, and specialist in event marketing. Having co-founded global events agency FIRST, he has extensive creative, commercial and international experience, working for some of the world’s top brands.

Lindsey brings over 20 years of experience from the finance and insurance industries. She is currently head of audit at AXA insurance as well as non-executive director at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and has a passionate understanding of consumer and stakeholder management.

Mark Taylor, chief executive of the QEII Centre, said: “We are thrilled that Mark and Lindsey have accepted the roles of non-executive directors and will join our board on 19 September for three years. We’re looking forward to working with them as their wealth of experience and knowledge will offer both a fresh perspective and independent challenge to our executive team.”

He added: “The appointments come at an exciting time for the centre as we emerge from the pandemic. We have recently secured some amazing new contracts for exceptionally large international events for 2023 and beyond, which demonstrates the growing confidence in the sector and London.”

Mark and Lindsey replace outgoing non-executive directors Alison White and Simon Hughes. Their combined dedication and commitment over the past nine years has hugely contributed to the QEII’s ongoing successes including a comprehensive £17m renovation programme and numerous award wins.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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