30 Euston Square launches forward-thinking true hybrid events solution


Leading the way, award-winning event and conference venue, 30 Euston Square has invested in its tech infrastructure to create ‘True Hybrid Solutions’ – a world-class new hybrid meeting and events package. This affordable solution provides significant cost savings whilst offering clients truly seamless interaction and engagement between both remote and physical attendees and speakers, wherever they are in the world.

Partnering with award-winning global leader in virtual and hybrid solutions, Glisser, the new event package offers an innovative approach to hybrid events, providing an unequalled experience for remote and physical attendees to communicate, network and learn. The solution is also optimised across mobile devices making attendance and interaction convenient even for those on the go.

Engagement tools include Q&As, polling and voting systems, alongside an unlimited number of remote delegates, remote speakers and virtual breakout rooms for participants to meet and interact. Not only can speakers and participants interact directly, but attendees can access presentation slides, write notes, add bookmarks and download content during and after the event. All events remain secure with protocols in place for privacy with content is streamed on an encrypted point-to-point and password protected.

General Manager, 30 Euston Square, Luiz Mazzari comments: “True hybrid experiences often fall outside of client budgets and, as a result, organisers end up compromising on quality and experience. Our new package, as well as being state-of-the-art, costs on average 60% less than a like-for-like hired solution. Our package offers unlimited remote attendee capacity at no extra charge making it ideal for larger events that were previously restricted by physical capacity.”

30 Euston Square event platform is fully customised to meet each event requirement, including features providing remote delegates access to event exhibitors. Mazzari adds “As many events rely on sponsorship, it was paramount to us to include a space to allow sponsors equal outreach to both physical and remote attendees.”

Now available at 30 Euston Square, the True Hybrid Solution package is available from £5,500 and includes pre-production services, a hybrid production manager and dedicated support on the day of the event. Located in the heart of London Euston, the Grade II-listed event venue is bringing together the best of both physical and remote event experiences across its venue, offering multiple event spaces from meeting rooms to a 300-seat auditorium.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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