AEO launches inaugural Marketing Social event


The Association of Event Organisers (AEO) is thrilled to announce the launch of its inaugural event, the “AEO Marketing Social,” scheduled to take place on 21st May 2024, at Informa Markets’ London office.

Borne out of the AEO marketing working group, led by Chloe Monina and Jessica Hockman, the event is designed to facilitate networking, knowledge sharing, and relationship building among approximately 50 junior to mid-management marketers from various industries.

Monina, marketing director at Professional Beauty Group said: “The marketing working group was formed just under a year ago, and I’m really pleased that one of the key objectives derived from the meeting, which was increasing members’ connections within the industry, has resulted in the launch of a face-to-face marketing event. The AEO Marketing Social will allow attendees to expand their network, grow their knowledge, and take actionable insight and ideas back to their teams.”

The event will kick off with networking and an icebreaker activity, which will then move on to roundtable sessions covering essential topics such as AI software, social channels, efficiency, data growth and engagement, and MarTech. Each roundtable, with approximately 10 participants, will be hosted by industry experts to facilitate meaningful conversations and idea exchanges.

Hockman, marketing director at Informa Markets said: “After the success of the roundtables at the AEO Forums earlier this year, I am excited to see their evolvement with the AEO Marketing Social. This is a great opportunity for our marketing teams to build new connections and glean ideas and innovations from peers who are all striving to meet similar objectives and experiencing comparable challenges.”

Following the roundtable sessions, attendees will have the chance to network further while enjoying drinks and nibbles, leaving with lots of new ideas and long-lasting connections.

The AEO marketing working group invites all interested senior marketing executives and marketing managers to register their interest for the event.

Attendance is an exclusive AEO member benefit.

To register your interest, please contact

For more information on the event including roundtable hosts:

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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