Event industry leaders gather for roundtable


The first of the Events Industry Board’s (EIB) biannual “Events Industry Senior Leaders Advisory Panel” meetings took place earlier this month, giving attendees a platform to discuss challenges and opportunities for the industry with representatives from the UK Government and the EIB.

The Events Industry Senior Leaders Advisory Panel comprises senior leaders from UK venues, production companies and the creative industries. The Panel provides a unique opportunity for the UK government and associated bodies to hear first-hand from a wide range of business events leaders who support a shared vision to maintain the UK as a leading European country for hosting business events, conferences and congresses.

Lord Ashton of Hyde, parliamentary under-secretary of state for the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport and Michael Hirst OBE, chair of the EIB were in attendance at the Panel’s first roundtable discussion which focused on the opportunities and challenges to competitiveness, including conference centre capacity and investment, transportation connectivity and skills. 

The views of Panel members will help to shape the future work of the EIB which provides ministers and officials with guidance and feedback on how Britain may become a more competitive environment in order to attract, grow and create international events.

Michael Hirst OBE, chair, Event Industry Board, said: “With the very welcome news of the Government’s Tourism Sector Deal and a new UK Government’s International Business Events Action Plan for the UK, it’s more important than ever that we seek as wide a range of views as possible about the way ahead. 

“The next few years are a crucial time for the events industry – business events have never been so high on the government’s agenda as they are now. Collaboration between event businesses, the EIB and other government departments is essential if we are to optimise opportunities and grow the value and volume of business events held in Britain.” 

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com