Top Tech for Conferences – Slidecrew


Slidecrew is an event management platform created by a small team of dedicated event professionals, each with a decade or more of international experience in all aspects of the event industry.

Our software is built from that experience, with all the collective knowledge and know-how being funneled into a stress-free, dynamic platform that updates in real time.

  • Agenda – Our agenda page gives organisers a quick calendar-style overview of all the event’s sessions & presentations. Showing which rooms each is assigned to, as well as the state of the presentation files for each; uploaded, checked, etc.
  • Easy Speaker upload – Using a customisable email template, invitation emails are sent out to speakers, with unique links for each of their presentations or E posters, where they can upload presentation files.
  • Presentation management – Uploaded files are stored securely and are checked at the speaker service centre using our scan tool, which looks for potential issues like aspect ratio, video formats and external links.
  • E posters – E posters, once submitted, are converted to a high resolution image and made available to attendees within minutes. To search, swipe, zoom or even scan with a QR code and view on their own devices.
  • Digital Signage – Digital signage updates in real time with any changes, like swapping session times, or correcting a speaker’s name.

Branding is applied to all signage, room information displays and name plates throughout the event. This can be event wide, or only applied to specific, sponsored sessions

  • Apps – Although most of our platform can be run through your preferred web browser, we also include downloadable apps. These give technicians and moderators the tools they need to stay informed and in control, or let speakers start their own presentations, including a timer, presentation notes and Slide control.

Our flexible platform can be used on its own on site & online, or with our team to add live streaming and technical support for any event, large or small.

To find out more, book a demo, or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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