Exposure Analytics at Event Tech Live 2020


It’s that time of year again when we anticipate the arrival of Event Tech Live. It is very different, it’s gone virtual. Since we began exhibiting at ETL we have launched a new product or special feature and this year will be no different. 

We say it won’t be different but let’s face it, it will be. You are not going to be able to touch, feel or see our new products but you can have a virtual meeting with us in real-time. We can give you the essence of what we do and with the knowledge that we have completed over 4000 events worldwide you know we are the right choice for when events start up again.

This year we are launching Occupancy Monitoring – using our Apex 3D cameras we can monitor, alert and manage the safe occupancy of your stand, venue or building. Secondly People Coordinates will be previewed ready for its launch in January 2021, this exciting new feature solution will give you the precise routes visitors take in your space plus so much more.

If you are at a loose end and need something to do come along and see our Commercial Director, Rob Murdoch, talk on The Stage on Monday 2nd November at 12.15 GMT where he will talk about Realtime Capacity Monitoring – A Step Closer to Opening Events Safely. Or on Tuesday our Sales Manager, Matt Jenks, will be discussing Spatial Awareness and Measurement. 

2020 has been the worst year ever but as an industry we have survived and look forward to a bright 2021.

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