Smart Glasses Are On the Rise: Can They Help With Event Planning?

Event Management

May 16, 2024


Smart Glasses Are On the Rise: Can They Help With Event Planning?

Technology is constantly evolving, and various industries are delving into and exploring innovations and digital solutions. The event sector is no exception, as event planners and managers are starting to experiment with tech to enhance events and the planning process. In fact, many event trends for 2024 are skewing heavily toward the digital world. Artificial intelligence (AI) streamlines event planners’ workflow, boosts operational efficiency, and enhances event experiences for attendees. Immersive technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are also shifting how participants experience events, taking them to whole new virtual realms beyond the event venue. However, a new innovation is also making waves in various industries, making tech like AI, AR, and VR more portable and even hands-free. 

Smart glasses are emerging as potential game-changers for various industries, and the demand is surging—the smart eyewear market is set to hit $10.6 billion in 2024. This burgeoning form of wearable technology allows wearers to bring visual and audio capabilities, AR and VR features, or AI tech wherever they go, with no need to pull out a device or wear bulky goggles. But can this new tool benefit the meticulous world of event planning? The answer is a promising yes, with some considerations event planners and managers should keep in mind.

What Are Smart Glasses? 

Smart glasses are wearable devices that can perform various tech capabilities. Some smart glasses are equipped with open-ear speakers to allow wearers to listen to music and take phone calls, and some have cameras for hands-free photo and video taking. Other smart glasses can have AR or mixed reality technology that projects digital content into the user’s field of vision. Many smart glasses models are also designed to look like regular sunglasses or eyeglasses, allowing them to blend into the wearer’s look and provide a discreet and fashionable experience so they can be used in public without drawing attention.

Here’s how smart glasses can be used for event planning and beyond:

Quick Event Documentation

Documenting and sending photos and videos to other event staff or team members can be a source of stress on top of other crucial tasks. Smart glasses can make it much easier for event planners to capture things from their point of view without having to pull out a phone or bring around a heavy camera. The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses showcase how the latest models can take high-quality photos, record videos, and even live stream on social media using voice commands so busy event professionals can keep their hands free for other tasks. These can be helpful in the planning stage when exploring venue options, picking out potential decor, documenting the set-up process, and more. The glasses can easily send pictures and videos to other staff who aren’t present, keeping them in the loop. These smart glasses can also be used to snap quick shots of the event or broadcast it onto Meta’s platforms like Facebook and Instagram. It also helps that the glasses look like a classic pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers, keeping the look discreet and stylish no matter where you use them.

Hands-Free Communication

Miscommunications can throw a wrench into your plans, causing disruption in the event planning process. Smart glasses can help manage communication woes, making it easier for you to get in touch with team members, suppliers, vendors, clients, and more. No more scrambling for your phone—you can discreetly communicate and access information with a simple voice command or touch gesture. If you need to make or take an urgent call, you can command your glasses to dial someone or pick it up, and you’ll be able to hear them through the speakers. You can also send someone a text message if you can’t ring them. Being able to quickly contact someone hands-free can make it easier to properly discuss any plans or issues while managing other tasks, allowing for efficient and smooth event planning. 

Enhanced Event Visualization

In the early stages of event planning, it can help visualize how a venue looks when it’s set up for the event to ensure that the space is appropriately decorated or can help direct the flow of attendees. Instead of relying on mental notes and tape measures when visiting a potential venue, you slip on your smart glasses. AR capabilities can overlay a digital blueprint of your envisioned event layout. Furniture placement, stage design, and even décor details appear before your eyes using 3D models, allowing you to virtually walk through the perfected space and make adjustments on the fly. This AR feature can revolutionize site visits and planning sessions, boosting efficiency and precision. Glasses like the Rokid Max AR Glasses can provide a wide display and project high-quality images and footage in your field of vision, enabling an immersive experience. 

AI Assistant

If you’ve ever been stumped by a question or lack some information, smart glasses can provide the knowledge you need on the go. Some smart glasses, like Frames from Brilliant Labs, use AI software to assist the wearer, which is perfect for busy event professionals who need to maximize their time wisely. You can use voice commands to ask the glasses’ AI a question, search the web, identify landmarks, and even translate written and spoken speech. Smart glasses with AI capabilities can help fill in any gaps in information and make the planning process more detailed. If someone needs directions to the event venue, the glasses can identify any notable landmarks to direct people there. Need to do a quick search for a nearby decoration store or catering service? Smart glasses can look up information for you. These smart glasses can save time and effort and help you focus on more important tasks. 

Benefits of Smart Glasses During Event Planning

While the potential is exciting, it’s essential to acknowledge the limitations of current smart glasses technology. Processing power and battery life are still evolving, which might restrict the complexity of event planning applications. Additionally, using smart glasses might raise privacy concerns for attendees, especially regarding data collection or recording. The widespread adoption of this relatively new technology may take time, especially since many smart glasses models are quite expensive and need more time to evolve. 

Despite the challenges, the potential benefits of smart glasses for event planning are undeniable. As technology continues to develop, you can expect even more innovative applications to emerge. Event planners who embrace this technology early on can gain a significant advantage by streamlining their processes, maximizing efficiency, and creating truly unforgettable events.

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