Make planning your next event a joy at stand 2103 at Event Tech Live


OnePlan, the event site planning platform that combines all other mapping and visual planning tools into one, is making its first public appearance at this year’s Event Tech Live.

Founded just months ago by several high profile experts in event planning, including an advisor on safety planning for the last four Olympic Games and two Commonwealth Games, OnePlan is on a mission to excite and delight event planners across the world with intuitive and easy to use tools that  dramatically simplify and enhance every step of the planning process, at an affordable price for all.

OnePlan provides the most accurate and extensive view of any event space across the world, helping planning teams to ensure that every corner of their site has all the facilities and staffing it needs for a successful event.

With OnePlan, there’s no longer a need for different mapping tools – which generally don’t work well together – and multiple versions of each plan, creating the potential for gaps, overlaps, inconsistencies and errors. Instead, all the best mapping tools work on one system, enabling planning teams to collaborate seamlessly, and source equipment and staff from approved suppliers at the click of a button.

It has already been adopted by a number of event planning agencies across the globe, as well as many of the UK’s leading university event management courses, suggesting that the next wave of recruits entering the event planning industry will only use this system.

Taking position at Stand 2103, near to the Festivals & Future Stage during Event Tech Live, the OnePlan team will be guiding visitors through the system. They’ll also be discussing the pricing and resourcing benefits compared with existing systems already available on the market. Due to the high demand, it is recommended to book an appointment in advance via Grip.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: