Present Communications – Spotlight on Live Streaming & Video Production


Conferences, exhibitions, seminars, they’re back in full swing but something is different. The world has changed. And now, content is more important than ever. Here’s why…

The structure of events is not what it used to be. Lets take corporate away days… 3 days at a retreat, workshops, a keynote presentation, an activity and some networking, finished off with a big meal. Now, presentations and educational / training content is delivered online. It’s easier, cheaper, has better reach and the user can consume it at their own convenience. Networking events take place in your local town or city, but we’re no longer required to attend a day conference about things we’re not interested in just so we can meet people in the evening. Workshops are happening on Zoom, although we see this coming back into the room more and more.

What challenges does this raise? Well, companies, organisations, charities, they all need to keep their audiences and customers engaged but are finding fewer in-person opportunities to do that. And so online content goes from ‘important’ to ‘critical’.

Alongside that, big conferences, exhibitions, festivals and exciting experiential events are back with a bang. Organisers recognise the important of putting on a show and providing a better experience to guests and customers. Many people live further away, or just travel less frequently than they did before and a real draw is required to get them to attend. So big events are bigger and more engaging, but there are fewer touchpoints with those guests throughout the year.

So how do we keep our customers engaged throughout the year, in between ‘big’ events? There are lots of way. We would encourage small meetings, talks, seminars, social events, popups etc but also content has to play an important part.

So… you’ve organised your big annual event and the world famous industry expert is attending and he/she is presenting! It’s been tough to get them there, but you did it! How can you make sure the most possible value is achieved? You’ll have to film it. They’ll be on stage for 45 minutes and that must be recorded. Great! What else? Dr.Expert is going to be there all day. And this is your opportunity…

Film interviews, record a podcast, a live Q&A, ask the audience, meet and great. Would your sponsor pay to host a panel or a Q&A on the exhibition floor? Live on the internet?

Imagine if you could build a studio and broadcast throughout the whole event, across the site and online. Showing people what’s going on in real time, and curating more high quality content in less time.

Check out StudioPOP.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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