Maximize Your Event Marketing Efforts with InGo’s Email Scheduling Feature

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Are you maximizing the potential of your event marketing email efforts? You’re already harnessing the power of InGo’s referrals to drive growth. Now with InGo’s VIPShare emails you can double that growth rate by doubling the number of referrals and referral clicks.

We’ll dive into how to utilize this and the myriad of benefits it can drive for the ultimate success of your events. Read more below how to get the VIPShare emails scheduled.

How to get started: 

First, our emails are automatically scheduled for our customers, like you, when you’ve created your Event (Registration Path). We know planning, executing, and promoting an event is already a lot to handle, so let InGo take care of furthering the reach and growth of it.

Event Marketing Emails with InGo Scheduling

Go to the top right corner of your event dashboard and click “Schedule Emails” to find these emails already scheduled for you.

Second, these emails are created from the VIPShare creative you’ve provided and automatically scheduled to send from the groups you’ve uploaded.

Event Marketing Email from InGo

Although we take care of this for you implementing industry best practices, you can customize the preview text (header), subject line, and body copy of the emails.

Quick tips on your emails:

  • Preview Text (Header): This is the text someone will see after the Subject Line — a preview of the body copy of the email they are about to open that is often shown either on the far left or right. This is the secondary messaging that should be attention grabbing supporting the subject line. We recommend creating copy between 50-90 characters that combines a sense of urgency and catchiness on what the recipient can expect in your scheduled email. 
  • Subject Line: Your subject line is the main entry point to your email. 46% of emails take place on mobile, so we recommend keeping it around 50 characters. Try using a question, creating a sense of urgency, and identifying the action you want them to take in your subject line. Check out this subject line grader to help you create better ones. 
  • Body Copy: Just like the preview text (header) and subject line, we recommend keeping this part brief and to the point to ensure you are directing them to the preview of the post. If you need to add more text make sure you keep your paragraphs short, readable on mobile, and containing one clear call-to-action.

Third, although emails are automatically scheduled in the timeframe the event is launched, you still have the ability to set the date these will go out. We apply our data intelligence to determine the best time to send these emails.

Once these are scheduled (with our support or your own tweaks) we take care of the rest.

You can send a test email to yourself to see how it looks before it goes to your group.

Once these are scheduled (with our support or your own tweaks) we take care of the rest. 

Why should you use our Email feature? Here are just some of the benefits:

Double Your Referral Rate: If you have VIPShare emails scheduled, we are seeing 2x in performance on posting rates vs. those who do not have these scheduled. These posts are leading to over 2x the referral clicks — easily expanding your event’s reach. 

Amplify Engagement: Drive increased activity from VIPs, sponsors, speakers, and exhibitors by prompting them to post 2-3 times more often through scheduled emails.

Effortless Scheduling: Once your registration path is created, we automatically schedule these emails for you. Emails do not require any additional work from you because they are already personalized with zero added clicks. 

Customization: We take care of all of this for you by adding in the VIP share creative and sending out to the groups you set. However, you can still customize the preview text (header), subject line, and body copy. We send these emails through our own servers, which can protect your own email domain health; however, we can send from your own domain just let us know!  

Added Participation: Your emails can also include the Leaderboard and Incentives! 

We know how hard it is to grow your events. InGo does the email promotion for you — one less thing to worry about and truly effortless for you.


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