– Universal lead retrieval system that turns your trade show leads into sales

momencio - Universal lead retrieval system that turns your trade show leads into sales

momencio is the battle tested sales enablement software hub for driving sales from B2B event marketing & trade show activities

It’s the only Lead Retrieval Solution enabling B2B Field Marketers & RevOps teams to:

  • Streamline creative workflows with momencio’s powerful Creative Asset Management system,  
  • Create memorable experiences with Client Portals personalized in-real time while you engage with your leads. 
  • Gain insights on your team performance & uncover opportunities for improvements with momencio’s Advanced Event Analytics & Visitor Tracking Capabilities
  • Maximize sales handover efficiency through instant Lead Routing to the appropriate Sales Development Representative

10 Benefits for Event & Trade Show Teams using momencio:

  1. 💼 Accurate Lead Data Collection 📊
    Trade show attendees often receive a lot of promotional materials, making it difficult to track which leads are interested in your product. momencio’s accurate lead data collection system ensures you don’t miss any opportunities.
  2. 💻 User-Friendly Interface 📈
    momencio’s user-friendly interface is important to help exhibitors quickly and easily collect leads without wasting time trying to figure out how to use the software.
  3. 🌍 Real-Time Lead Syncing 📡
    With momencio exhibitors can see updated lead information in real-time to stay on top of new leads and follow up quickly.
  4. 📈 Advanced Lead Management 💼
    momencio’s advanced lead management capabilities, such as lead scoring and prioritization, are important for exhibitors to prioritize their follow-up efforts and focus on the most promising leads.
  5. 💬 Instant Lead Feedback 💬
    Exhibitors access immediate feedback on leads to gauge their interest level and prioritize their follow-up efforts.
  6. 💻 Mobile Compatibility 📱
    momencio works seamlessly across all devices, including mobile phones and tablets, thereby maximising its lead collection and management capabilities.
  7. 🔒 Secure Data Management 🔒
    Lead data is sensitive information and momencio ensures the security of their leads’ personal information.
  8. 💼 Customizable Lead Forms 📊
    momencio’s lead forms can be customizable to match the specific needs and preferences of each exhibitor.
  9. 💻 Cross-Platform Compatibility 💻
    Trade shows can happen on different devices and operating systems, making it important for exhibitors to have a lead retrieval solution that works across all platforms without any compatibility issues.
  1. 🌍 CRM Integration 💻
    As exhibitors use a variety of tools to manage their sales and marketing efforts, momencio integrates with popular CRM solutions such as Hubspot & Salesforce use will streamline their work and save time.

momencio is the event management solution that transforms your event marketing activities from a cost-center into a profit enablement engine

Get a demo today


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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