Magic set to continue for Day Three at Event Tech Live US & Canada


Event Tech Live US & Canada’s second/middle day took all the positives from Tuesday and built them bigger still, setting the target for today.

Day two content kicked off with Unwrapit co-founder Peter Deitz moderating a panel discussing ‘Your Event Community, the Gift that keeps on Giving’, the 4,000 or so miles between Matthew Harris, CEO at Konduko – live and direct from Switzerland – Deitz and Rachel Stephan, founder of Snöball, just disappeared, highlighting the potential of events in 2021.

It meant a few seconds delay – something Deitz quickly got to grips with – but the value there is for everyone and it fostered a ‘Hello from Kuala Lumpur’ in the chat room.

The team behind Event Tech Live have worked and worked to get the machine right, from tech to the talkers, the flow and delivery at ETL US & Canada is a product of that commitment.

Of course, this show more than any other is all about how nothing stands still, but the partnerships built and refined year on year at Event Tech Live UK & Europe and now across the Atlantic provide a proper, flexible response.  

The conversation in Session 1 centred on the relationship between content, engagement and community, through the pandemic priority shake-up and finding the best platform to serve the new order. How the want for physical connectivity in the short-term, when that flag finally drops, won’t represent the modern balance necessarily but it’s a predictable next pivot.

The which channel/what content question was a part of The Future of Event Marketing with Kathryn Frankson later in the day too, a session that saw Frankson taking questions, situations and winsome banter from tech evangelist Dahlia El Gazzar.

Frankson stressed the value in using a mix of channels. “Social media is working incredibility well and email is not dead.” Amid the massive changes across the last 15 months the second half of that statement struck a reassuring chord.  

Among the key takeaways here, knowing your people and personalising your marketing is critically important. Track analytics across all the channels you use, whatever your mix, and you will need more content than ever so get the right people to make that happen.

Early evening’s Vision of Virtual Events in 2031 was edge of the seat engaging, Neil Mortimer, client success manager at session sponsor Grip hosting James Kelley of MCI USA, entrepreneur Mayank Mohta, co-founder of the Cloud Data Summit, and Joseph McKeown from Strategic Events and Partnerships.

With questions coming thick and fast from the audience, the panel accepted they were discussing future event-goers, currently “in middle school and high school”, how the gaming industry is, still, blazing a potential trail for events – and how following that pattern needs big bucks.

The conversation flowed quickly across data, design, AI and far beyond. it’s harder than ever to predict the future, particularly after the year plus everyone has been through. The shift to virtual was sharp, it had to be, but over the next 10 years – depending on how long the pandemic/its impact lasts – events could evolve to suit audience requirements away from the stark ‘Virtual’ ‘Hybrid’ ‘In-Person’ labels to straight ahead ‘Event’.  

How do we measure success? How do we adapt to the new metrics? It’s about personalisation and delivering audience journeys better.

“The need for storytelling remains the key focus for all of us in events.”

Another session that’s well worth ‘dialling up’ through the Event Tech Live US & Canada platform if you couldn’t get there yesterday.

Event Tech Live US & Canada concludes today Thursday 10th June. Among another full dairy of content, look out for Start-up Competition pitch and winners announced, how to boost engagement and monetization through gamification, How to boost engagement and monetization through gamification and Event Technology and its role in Green Events.

Full agenda and latest news is at:

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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