Tech to watch out for in 2022, how events are increasing revenues with Evessio


As we welcome a new year we also welcome new events and new event tech. With digital and hybrid events here to stay, choosing the best virtual venues and event management software has never mattered more. From the ease of registration to engaging virtual venues, user experience from start to finish is paramount. Get it right and you can double participation, expand sponsorship deals, lower carbon footprint, reduce costs and ultimately increase revenue. 
With many exciting and diverse options available, how do you know what’s right for your events? Here’s how Evessio can help increase your revenues by up to 30% in the first year. 

Evessio has four core products; The Events Room, The Events Hub, The Awards Room and The Awards Hub. The Awards Room and The Events Room are virtual venues that provide inclusive networking opportunities like no other platform whilst the Events Hub and Awards Hub grants you all the functionality to create events, process registrations and manage events. Evessio’s powerful event management software and unique virtual venues provide attendees, hosts and sponsors with a seamless experience from start to finish. 

The functionality provides a hassle-free approach that also includes full revenue and interaction data. Since migrating to Evessio’s platform customers have increased revenue, improved business operations and communications as well as enhanced sales and marketing opportunities. The technology available combined with Evessio’s quality onboarding process and excellent customer support has resulted in phenomenal growth and excellent feedback for event organisers. 

Evessio’s software has enabled events such as The Free From Food Awards to replicate networking experiences of physical events in successful digital environments. The Free From Food Awards found there was a significantly larger number of chats taking place throughout their digital event, compared to other events of a similar size. There were over 2,500 chats held over both text and video amongst attendees and sponsors. Two-way conversations were common throughout the event, with almost 100 video calls, demonstrating engagement and authentic networking taking place. The data revealed that almost all seated guests made conversation, further demonstrating higher engagement taking place than at comparable physical events. Evessio’s post-event report provided graphs including the number of conversations held on each table and the length each contact lasted for.

A key component in Evessio’s software is the ability to capture data and ease of communicating with event audiences. Granular data capture and insights are invaluable when understanding attendee behaviour. Being able to see how attendees are moving around virtual rooms, connecting with others and whether they are engaging with the content is an integral part of the evaluation process afterwards. This data not only helps you better market future events to your community but also helps you understand what content attendees are interested in. Data on attendee behaviour and interests prove extremely valuable to sponsors and can dramatically increase your sponsorship income. 

Utilising your tool kit in Evessio’s Events Hub alongside the immersive virtual venues will help your events succeed and take your events to the next level. 


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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