MEETYOO “Best Sustainable Tech Solution” at the Event Technology Awards 2022

Decarbonizing the event industry


At the end of 2021, we set the goal of becoming net-zero from 2022 onward. This journey of decarbonizing our company expanded into our new company vision – “decarbonizing the event industry” based on our mutual belief that we can change the world by taking action. 

We are proud that our efforts have been recognized at the Event Technology Awards 2022 by being awarded the “Best Sustainable Tech Solution” award. We strongly believe that with a collective effort, the event industry can reduce its negative impact on the environment whether that’s going virtual, compensating for emissions, or reducing single-use plastics and swag. 

Travel, venues, and food waste are huge contributors to the event industry’s carbon footprint, and bringing that space online can significantly reduce it. Hosting an immersive virtual event brings about many other benefits in addition to its sustainable qualities like higher engagement, better information sharing, meaningful connection, security, and data. The virtual event solutions we offer at MEETYOO offer you the choice of autonomy or fully-managed service, inventive and customizable designs, immersive experiences, and most importantly fun and ease of mind. 

We believe that making online events engaging, informative and inclusive will create a behavioral shift among event organizers and participants. We hope that many others will join us in these efforts and decarbonize the event industry.

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Rebecca Dixon
Author: Rebecca Dixon

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