Thailand on show at the AEO


The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) will be at the AEO Conference in Brighton on Thursday, showcasing Thailand as an exhibition destination with fresh opportunity developing on its blossoming Eastern seaboard.

TCEB’s inaugural attendance at the Association of Event Organisers Conference, one of the most important dates of the year for UK trade show and exhibition professionals, underscores the bureau’s commitment to collaborating with UK businesses and industry.

A longtime trading partner of the UK, Thailand presents a wealth of options to UK organisers seeking a foothold in Southeast Asia, and leads the region in events dedicated to industries including automotive, food and energy, agriculture and health & beauty.

Around 100 international trade shows take place in the country each year, primarily staged in one of the capital’s seven international venues. Thailand is home to 465,000sqm of exhibition space, seven international airports, and with a high-speed rail network under construction, it remains one of the most profitable and accessible markets in Asia.

However, the country’s infrastructure development does not end there. This year TCEB’s agenda is led by the promotion of Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), an area-based development initiative with a USD 50 billion development plan located on the country’s fertile Eastern seaboard. It will be a prime gateway to both Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific in years to come.

A playground for innovation and growth

Covering 13,000 square kilometres, the EEC is the focus of numerous startups and foreign direct investment deals, drawn to the region by its innovation centres, transportation links and logistics credentials.

But for UK organisers in particular, this development represents much more than a chance to invest in a growing regional hub.

A hotbed of activity for emerging Thai industries including robotics and mechatronics, aviation and logistics, medical, bio-economy and bio-fuel, the EEC has an overarching focus on the manufacture and automation technology for which the UK has established a worldwide reputation.

Director of TCEB’s Exhibition Department, Dr. Duangdej Yuaikwarmdee, will attend the AEO Conference with his team to discuss the opportunity present in the EEC and other economic hubs in the country.

“Thailand’s dedication to connecting overseas business with local industry is what makes TCEB a valuable partner for UK organisers seeking to expand their operations in Southeast Asia,” he said.

“However, it is economic development projects such as the EEC that present market opportunity for organisers, and a chance for their UK audiences to go Kingdom-to-Kingdom in pursuit of international growth.”

This campaign to draw attention to the EEC sits at the heart of Thailand’s globally renowned Thailand 4.0 initiative, a long-running campaign to transform the national economy by empowering businesses and industries, and fostering growth in 12 distinct industries.

The country continues to win leading international trade shows, and was recently announced as host of the 2026 UFI Asia-Pacific Conference. This event, which gathers decision makers from the global exhibition industry, marks the latest endorsement of Thailand’s ability to welcome organisers and highlights its dedication to accessibility, affordability and hospitality.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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