Brand Experience can be Sustainable: 2Heads talk through the secrets to sustainable event design


Your business is becoming more eco-conscious; the demand for green and sustainable brand experiences is growing. Your schedule of events needs to meet public consciousness and you want to make positive decisions in line with your CSR commitments.

Importantly, you don’t want to “green-wash” through your experiences but need your brand to connect with audiences on a meaningful level that leaves lasting impressions. Everything you plan has to deliver more, but without increasing budgets.

At first glance, squaring the sustainability circle can seem impossible.

But it’s not.

Creating events with a green conscious is all about steps. Small at first but larger as you develop. The secrets to success are not complicated. They can mostly be found in breaking down the problem and pre-planning the solution.

Take our recent work with aerospace giant Bombardier at Europe’s premier business aviation event, EBACE in Geneva. Bombardier had two important needs for the event – to unveil the brand new G8000; the fastest, furthest flying business jet in the world, and their vision for the sustainable development of an under-pressure aviation industry.  

The challenges were multiple. Bombardier asked 2Heads to push experiential boundaries for this key event. They wanted the world to witness the technology and innovation behind the new G8000 business jet, but in equal importance they needed their brand environment to perpetuate interest and conversation that focused on Bombardier’s sustainable vision for the future.

2Heads drew on multiple services across the agency to turn problems into creative solutions that could address their launch needs alongside their sustainability ambitions:

Ergonomic Environment design

  • We used the principles of the circular economy when designing the Bombardier experience, focusing on reducing and reusing as many elements as possible. Efficient modular design allowed for multiple areas to be re-purposed during the event – a private stage for the G8000 launch one day became an open atrium to welcome guests to experience Bombardier’s innovations the next.

Sustainable Material sourcing

  • To mirror Bombardier’s sustainable approach to aircraft development, 2Heads looked to eliminate waste and pollution where possible, then developed the whole environment with green materials that can either be reused or recycled. From recycled fibreboard tubes and carbon-positive flooring to materials created from recycled ocean waste, we utilise a wide catalogue of resources to complement the design.

Digital Content Immersion

  • Haloed above the environment, a 25 x 8 metre LED wall played host to a 2Heads-created film sequence that visually immersed visitors into the world of Bombardier. The showstopping film narrative beautifully communicated Bombardier’s sustainability vision interlaced with key attributes of the new G8000 aircraft to tell a succinctly crafted brand story that stopped visitors in their tracks.

Efficient Carbon Tracking and Measurement

  • We use several carbon tracking tools in the pre-planning of an event. This allows us to understand critical areas of carbon impact and devise solutions to mitigate the peaks. Final measurement of the event is crucial too as we assist brands in the offsetting of residual carbon as they move towards a net zero position.

As proven with the award-winning work for Bombardier, Sustainability and Brand Experience can go hand in hand as they both require a creative, multi-disciplinary approach. We drew on our extensive experience in agnostic environmental design facilitated with a localised sourcing strategy to create the integrity of Bombardier’s solution. Our digital and content teams generated showstopping film content and brand immersion through imaginative event technologies. A series of small steps that combined to make a big difference.

Evolving solutions to the sustainable event conundrum is an ever changing landscape. Every event teaches us more, every innovation provides a new opportunity. Debate on the topic of sustainability is key for the whole event ecosystem, therefore 2Heads invites all clients, existing and prospective, to our ‘Serious on Sustainability’ Lab which helps guide meaningful conversations and actionable solutions on this, the most important topic in our industry today.

Interested in knowing more, or attending your own SOS workshop, please contact Dan Hall on


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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