VisitScotland Business Events commits to support The Business of Events for fifth consecutive year

VisitScotland Business Events commits to support The Business of Events for fifth consecutive year

The Business of Events has confirmed VisitScotland Business Events as its latest official partner for its 2023 programme. It marks a fifth year of consecutive support to the Policy Unit and Think Tank and is the second major partner to be announced within a week.

VisitScotland is Scotland’s national tourism organisation, and its Business Events team have developed a strong international reputation, reinforcing the country’s position as one of the world’s authentic destinations for meetings and events, that demonstrates the industry as a driver for social and economic change.

The country has played host to a variety of internationally significant events, which have been platforms for key discussions surrounding climate change, and renewables including the World Energy Council Executive Assembly and Energy Trilemma Summit and COP26. It was also recently announced that Glasgow will host the 2026 world Water Congress & Exhibition.

Neil Brownlee, Head of Business Events, VisitScotland said: “The business events sector is a critical driver for the economies of both Scotland and the UK, contributing £39.1bn a year. It is important for VisitScotland to align itself with initiatives and organisations such as The Business of Events, so that we can better understand what the current business events landscape means for us as a destination.

“The insights that we gather from events such as the Policy Forum are excellent for feeding back to our stakeholders including government, to help drive a wider understanding of business events.

“We have been a partner of The Business of Events since the beginning and will continue to support its work. I am looking forward to attending its headline event in London later this year.”

Martin Fullard, Director, News & Content, said: “To have the support of VisitScotland Business Events is of critical importance to the work carried out by The Business of Events. The events industry falls under the tourism remit and is therefore a devolved department. Having VisitScotland, and their insight, on board gives us far greater reach across the UK.

“They have a strong reputation among the global business events community, as their mission exceeds simple metrics such as hotel occupancy: they lead in driving change through business events and helping the country achieve its objectives in a range of fields.

“VisitScotland’s support to date has led to much valuable research, we are looking forward to continuing this strong partnership.”

Download the 2023 Prospectus here.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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