The All Party Parliamentary Group For Events and The Business of Events announces Annual General Meeting & policy unit briefing


The Business of Events (TBOE) has announced that the All Party Parliamentary Group for Events (APPG) is to hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 16th April 2024, in line with current Parliamentary rules and requirements.

The meeting will take place in Westminster, at Portcullis House, and will provide an opportunity for the Parliamentary Group to review its current Plan of Work, elect its Officers for the next parliamentary session and be briefed on current issues affecting the events sector.

Parliamentary rules state that the APPG must elect a minimum of four officers from either Houses of Parliament, with at least one member from the Government benches and one from the opposition. The current elected Officers of the APPG are;

Chair Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP (Conservative)

Vice Chair Alex Sobel MP (Labour)

Vice Chair Greg Smith MP (Conservative)

Vice Chair Chris Green MP (Conservative)

Vice Chair Rachel Hopkins MP (Labour)

Vice Chair Mark Menzies MP (Conservative)

This will be the final AGM in the current Parliament and the last before an expected General Election later this year.

The meeting will also hear on the work of The Business of Events, the independent Think Tank for the events sector, and specifically progress on the launch of its Policy Agenda for the sector, which was profiled at its UK Policy Forum in November 2023.

TBOE has also written to all Members of Parliament who currently have strong event economies within their constituencies, encouraging them to attend the AGM and to join the APPG.

More information on the APPG can be found at and further information on the work of The Business of Events can be found at

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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