New Copenhagen event venue named official UN Sustainable Development Goal pavilion


This week, as part of the program for the 28th UIA World Congress of Architects, Copenhagen’s new event venue, The Greenhouse, was inaugurated. For over 100 years, the greenhouse fostered plants in Copenhagen’s Botanical Gardens. On the brink of demolition, it was saved, moved, rebuilt, and then officially designated UN Sustainable Development Goal Pavilion with ambitions to go through the (glass) ceiling fostering ideas and togetherness in all sorts of functions and events for up to 100 people.

In the heart of Copenhagen – still amidst unspoiled nature and train tracks – you find Copenhagen’s innovative green oasis, BaneGaarden. Here, nine restored wooden barns from 1909 provide unique settings for gastronomic and cultural experiences, learning, conferences, events, and dinners for 10-650 participants.

Yesterday, BaneGaarden opened the doors to an additional venue, The Greenhouse (Væksthuset). The first event guests in the see-to-sky building were some of the 10,000 architects, urban planners, building professionals and decision makers, who are in Copenhagen these days attending The UIA World Congress of Architects under the theme ‘Sustainable futures – leave no one behind’.

The congress is the biggest event during UNESCO’s World Capital of Architecture Year, which Copenhagen plays host to all through 2023. Also, part of the program is 15 official SDG pavilions, the 200 m2 Greenhouse being one of them.

Where plants used to grow, green ideas and activities will now flourish in a setting combining nature, culture, and architecture throughout 2023 and beyond. Carl Johan Paulsen, Director and Partner at BaneGaarden, says:

“The Greenhouse project highlights the need and potential of green, educational, and recreative spaces in the hearts of our cities. It’s designed as a learning space promoting sustainable budling practice and future thinking in general – a stunning setting with an overload of natural daylight where people can get together and reconnect with nature and each other just 15 minutes from Copenhagen’s City Hall Square.”

If you wish to combine your event in The Greenhouse with side events, larger dinners, or parties, BaneGaarden offers multiple possibilities. Book an educational session with BaneGaarden’s ‘growth academy’, or explore the buildings with an architect. Indulge high quality food from the property’s own restaurants, street food stalls and gourmet bakery. It’s all organic and homemade. BaneGaarden and The Greenhouse is open throughout the year and is easily reached in less than 15 minutes weather you come from the city centre or the airport.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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