Four sustainability stars for Solutions2


The award-winning design and build company reaches the penultimate level of ESSA accreditation in its first year of assessment.

Solutions2 has achieved one of the top tiers of ESSA accreditation on its first attempt. Open to all ESSA members, the sustainability module is designed to celebrate organisations that demonstrate exceptional commitment to sustainability with tier four accreditation only recognising companies that are setting the standard for industry-wide best practices.

“We embarked on our sustainability journey three years ago deciding to scrutinise our entire organisation and how we operate at every level. We’ve transformed several areas of the business and the results have been eye-opening,said Marija Erzen, owner, Solutions2.

To achieve ESSA accreditation organisations are required to showcase a commitment to long-term sustainability, comply with a strict set of criteria and provide corroborating evidence.

“To gain such high recognition on our first accreditation attempt is a testament to the Solutions2 team, our suppliers who have adopted new practices and our clients in supporting our initiatives,” continues Erzen. “Driving towards net zero is an investment in time, money and people and one we are delighted to see acknowledged by tier four accreditation.”

The firm engaged independent consultant David Humphries of Green Circle Solutions back in 2021 to evaluate its business model, commissioning a report analysing four years of trading and the creation of a unique carbon footprint calculator to assess their projects. Since then, the Solutions2 team have empowered an internal sustainability working group to drive decisions, prioritise the most impactful change and engage all stakeholders in the process.

It’s fantastic to see demonstrable progress and how seriously Solutions2 are taking the sustainability agenda. Real progress relies on sustainability becoming embedded within a company culture, Solutions2 have embraced this process enabling a sustainability team and genuine engagement is encouraged across the whole business,” said David Humphreys, owner, Green Circle Solutions.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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